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  1. JonBonJovi


    Just thought I'd pop in and scare the crap out of a few people!
  2. JonBonJovi

    Help me choose a song list.

    Let me get back to you on this. We still have the disc we made up for our wedding reception somewhere.I'll check the song list and post for you.
  3. JonBonJovi

    Why I hate windows....

    If you use Vista you can't then save a file then open it on anything but vista. It also won't let you open anything from XP etc so sending documents to others is out.
  4. JonBonJovi

    Them Bones

    I've broken my left arm riding a bike into a ditch. Broken bones in my right foot playing skipping rope games at school.
  5. JonBonJovi

    Airbus A380

    Aparently this new airport section was dismal failure on it's first day.
  6. JonBonJovi

    Rock n Roll Hall of Shame

    I knew it had something to do with art.
  7. JonBonJovi

    Rock n Roll Hall of Shame

    What a crack. Idiots aswell have no idea. Aerosmith's Dude looks like a lady was written about Vince Neil not cross dressing. Mentions bisexuality when it comes to females but forgets to mention David Bowie's sexuality and drug use and other "non christian acts". Bauhaus got there name from...
  8. JonBonJovi

    burnin' down the house

    Priest of Evil It's a long phase they go through. Our daughter gets up and comes into our bed probably 3-4 times a weeks or just keeps waking. She has been doing this for about 6mths now. My friends who all have little ones about the same age are going through some form of this night waking. We...
  9. JonBonJovi

    you know you're Australian list

    My burger tonight had beetroot.
  10. JonBonJovi

    Would you vote for this chick?

    You don't have to smoke to have a singing voice like that. i went to school with a girl who had a husky singing voice and never touched a cigerette or drank. Her talking voice was very soft.
  11. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    Exactly why not? We like that way of spelling so fucking what he is our son not yours!
  12. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    Leo men are way to self involved and can have an out of control temper not for my liking.
  13. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    21st July
  14. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    His being called Cooper Blayke
  15. JonBonJovi

    The spoiled under 30 crowd.

    I loved getting to watch Behind The News every Wednesday. Then again I loved anything that was not being stuck behind a desk in a classroom.
  16. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    Brian actually also has a 17yr old girl as well.
  17. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    Ummm the bump was very much there at Iron Maiden
  18. JonBonJovi

    We are having a boy!

    Found out today that we are having a boy! Much to Brian's delight.
  19. JonBonJovi


    The ones seeking compensation are just asking for the same sort of victims compensation that victims of crimes such as sexual abuse, violence, crimes commited by authorities. Many if not most of the children suffered sexual assaults, severe beatings and other forms of violence and abuse on a...
  20. JonBonJovi

    Sydney Review

    My dogs name is Shadow!