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  1. The Don

    Mutiny Within

    I really like Mutiny Within. They have a pretty sick story with their vocalist. Dude took a leap of faith coming from England to the States, simply on the confidence of the band. He's got a good range. Sings opera as well, look that shit up on youtube. When I saw them live I despised the act...
  2. The Don

    The official Esoteric thread

    I was jogging yesterday, listening to Esoteric, and I came across a herd of elk in the meadow, at Elk Meadow. They had no idea I was already there. But yeah after giving it time to sink in, listening to other stuff, etc, Esoteric sounds like a fucking masterpiece.
  3. The Don

    Releases 2010

    I dono I like the new record. Not their best, but nice to hear some new songs. Plus there are a few gems. I really wish Warrel would have done vocals over JL's solo album and called it good. Oh well.
  4. The Don

    Releases 2010

    Maybe he was saving them: :kickass:
  5. The Don

    is this a furum?

    Bump for laughs. Wowee
  6. The Don

    Video Games

    FFXIII - So I'm at like the end of Ch.8 and the linearity is really getting to me. I know the game opens up after the main storyline, but I don't know how much more of this 2-man party straight line no customization grind I can take!
  7. The Don

    Releases 2010

  8. The Don

    Video Games

    Anyone tried Bioshock 2? The multiplayer is surprisingly fun and I've been hooked for the past couple days. If you own a 360 and want to game my tag is o0GoatSlayer0o. Who's down for a digital bromance?
  9. The Don

    Releases 2010

    Hmmm the two new ones are more in the style of MOPt.II mixed with The Scarecrow. I don't think they are really a return to form (to the first one), but there are a few tracks on each disc that have some tunes that would have fit right in with it. There is still a lot of the melodic rock BS (The...
  10. The Don

    Releases 2010

    I don't know if this will be the most popular of comments but i LOVE the two new Avantasia CDs. I haven't enjoyed a power metal album in years (mainly since all of my fav. acts started evolving their sound), but this one takes the cake. Fast, epic, tons of sing-along choruses, diverse set of...
  11. The Don

    Destroy Destroy Destroy

    Yeah I think autotuning works for pop music. Quite well actually. Just keep it the hell away from heavy music. And what is crabcore? I was un-aware crustacean organisms could write music... :goggly:
  12. The Don

    Destroy Destroy Destroy

    Hahahahaha perfect. I watched the video and almost pissed my pants when the singer started running in place. Worst song I've heard in years. Keep T-Pain out of music with guitars involved. Gayest shit ever. Thank you neal, I feel better about my life.
  13. The Don

    Releases 2010

    ^ Nice List. Here's mine in no particular order: Kalmah - 12 Gauge (Kicks serious ass as expected. Top quality every time) Eluveitie - Everything Remains as it Never Was (Wish they would have evolved their sound a little more but whatever, still a great listen with excellent songs) Whispered...
  14. The Don

    Video Games

    Lol @ 75 pages. Sounds like a graduate thesis. Shitty... In my defense I did do roughly 75 hours of research. :( FFXIII is AWESOME. I love how the main characters aren't whiny bitches, the battle system combines the best of FFXII with ATB, graphics are gorgeous, story is good, etc etc. Only 8...
  15. The Don

    Video Games

    Mine was only 15 pages but it was a 6 month long nightmare. By far the most stressful school-related activity of my life. I did mine on efficient resource allocation amongst nonprofit higher education firms. Try finding some good sources on that...
  16. The Don

    Video Games

    Sweeeeeet. Just finished my thesis. Spring break. FFXIII and Colorado for the next week. Gonna be a dungeon session. Thank fucking sathan.
  17. The Don

    Releases 2010

    Yeah dude. Wolves aside, the middle of their catalog seriously kicks ass. Plus, most great bands have that one album cover that just makes you say "lolgay". Don't let it ruin it. Then again, I can't really tell if you're serious since you said you and your roomates were diggin the new Ke$ha...
  18. The Don

    Releases 2010

    ^^ Yeah I've given it more than a few spins. I honestly enjoy a few tracks, but it just doesn't really sound much like Catamenia anymore. Kari's "C,G,W" vocals, the shift from frosty melodic thrashers to mid paced chord chuggers, etc. It seems like they became more immature with their writing...
  19. The Don

    Releases 2010

    ^ God. Nice "Quickies". i honestly think the new Catamenia is piss as(s) fuckin poor. I've been a fan of every album they've done. VIII worried me a bit, (though it was still in the same spirit) but this is just... not the same kind of band. Oh well. I guess 9 albums later you get sick of not...
  20. The Don

    Releases 2010

    Kalmah - 12 Gauge. My god. So good. /Life