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  1. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    Top Ten 2013

    Better late than never eh? This was a banner year for me... so many great releases compared to recent years when I was barely able to list 3-4 albums that really got my groove on. Here is my list in no particular order... of 2013 albums that got a lot of airplay in these hallowed halls. Ghost...
  2. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    Deep Purple "Now What?"

    For such an venerable old band, and us picking "which" songs we like best, I think DP did a pretty damn good job of writing an album that's relevant today and still pleases old fans.
  3. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    Deep Purple "Now What?"

    I love Kansas, so you won't hear complaints from me on that front! Vincent Price is also my fave song, but I also really love Apres Vous with it's huge gothic, european-flavored intro (sounds like Therion) and vibe.
  4. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    Deep Purple "Now What?"

    I got the new Deep Purple from Amazon last night and played it twice through upon download. Initial impressions: Well crafted songs, very consistent... the pace (tempo, not the drummer Ian) is a little slower, but they are getting older and I believe it's wise of them to stay in their comfort...
  5. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Agreed, I usually use the phrase Satriani-esque when describing the music to others... it's similar to Satch's style, but like you said, taken another step further in a direction that rock music had yet to explore until recently. From talking to him in depth, I think he will have time to make...
  6. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    The whole album is pretty much like that... mostly instrumental. I think there's 4 songs on it with vocals but the music style is consistent... has an old 70s vibe mixed with Satriani.
  7. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Yeah, Beto had virtually an all-star cast on that first album... Tarja and Candice Night? That's what made me buy that album! There is a pretty lengthy trailer video for Beto's new album on YouTube, I'll post that video below. It has its moments, but most of his music is hard to digest in...
  8. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Here's a few vids from my list of fave albums this year: And this a new album I didn't put on my best of '12 list because I just got it a couple weeks ago, but it's really stuck with me and probably ranks #4... once time goes by, maybe #3 for it's uniqueness.
  9. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    I have his first album from 2001... back then I was collecting theatrical concept albums with multiple singers like Ayreon, Missa Mercuria, Gary Hughes, and Nikolo Kotzev. I'm a bit behind the times though.. apparently he's put out several albums since that one! Had no idea and I've gradually...
  10. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Woo Hoo, one vote for my buddy Yossi on here! Good choice, my friend! There's a new Beto album out? Hmmmm... have to check that one out for sure! We should do a thread (or include in this one) where people post some youtube vids (or audio) of some of their favorite songs from their best...
  11. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    First prog riff posted. Coincidentally I am listening to MW as I type this, but this song isn't on the albums I chose to DL and check out (at Brandon's suggestion)... thanks buddy!
  12. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    This thread is slowly becoming a place I can come to when I really want to rock out and have my playlist already created for me! Here's one from a band that most metalheads overlook and have no idea at how good these guys were at writing killer riffs back in the 70s... I picked Witch Wolf on a...
  13. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    True that! Accept definitely hit the big time with this riff.
  14. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Hey Wyv, I'm not sure about ashaman, but I got the impression that Assault Attack wasn't dissing the music so much as cracking a joke about Hawk "making up" band names for his list. I thought the exact same thing when I first saw it because I've never heard of them and the name is rather out...
  15. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    Some awesome additions guys! Nice mix going on, although I'd prefer an anti-a cappela of the band kuier posted... :grin: how about this old classic song that positively reeks of riffidge...
  16. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    Wow Gert, never heard that riff before! You think I don't know how to suck up to the administrator by playing one of his fave bands on a new thread? :wave: Locamotive Breath definitely applies! The thread is about killer guitar riffs, but I didn't say it couldn't be intro-ed, outro-ed, or...
  17. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    That was some clunky riff there, Gert!
  18. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    I'll start with one of the hidden gems of the 80s, but first you must ENTER THE DARKNESS with a Meliah Rage!
  19. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    It's All In The RIFF, Baby!

    To me, the songs in my library that I keep going back to are the ones with the catchy, really heavy, grooving, crunchy riffs. That's what this thread is about! Post links via Youtube (or whatever) of YOUR favorite riffs of all time and keep coming back every time you think of another. Maybe we...
  20. Trans-Siberian Outcast

    2012 top ten.

    Still sorting out my list since many of the albums I just recently got and haven't had time to absorb them completely... But I've got a top three that I doubt will change (at least with the albums I have so far) and the rest are still vying for position: 1. Threshold - March of Progress 2...