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  1. O

    Maegi 2nd Album - Crowdfunding (I need help :S)

    Hello again. The album will feature Joe Nevolo (of Shadow Gallery) on drums. More guests will come in the following weeks =). The campaign still continues at IndieGoGo -> All the best Oganalp
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    Maegi 2nd Album - Crowdfunding (I need help :S)

    Hello friends. I am Oganalp and I have a power-progressive metal project called Maegi. I am working on my second album nowadays and there is a crowdfunding campaign going on to help me with the recording expenses. Project IndieGoGo link is: I would really...
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    Need some advice

    Greetings ProgPower friends. I am Oganalp, a musician and a music lover. I never had the chance to attend PPUSA but I had the chance to play and enjoy the EU version of the festival and I had the chance to meet some of the nice folks here online and call my friend. I would very much welcome your...
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    Century Media suing BitTorrent users... Opinions???

    The whole record label vs listener thing is stupid. I am saying this as a professional musician who worked with many labels, even EMI. An artist usually makes around 5% net income over the sales price. After the deduction of distribution (which is mostly an online thing nowadays), tax (they...
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    Brush The Dust Away - Need some advice

    Haha, I am working on some new stuff, will give you people something new at the end of this year probably. BUT I need to listen to new stuff as I am re-discovering my CD player :D Will check the Facebook page :D No idea why I didn't do that in the first place.
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    Brush The Dust Away - Need some advice

    Hey people; It has been some time since I last listened to anything new. After working on lots of studio stuff, I was kinda pushed away from listening to anything new / anything metal (except for Blind Guardian stuff, since I am a fanboy ;) ) Therefore, I am open to suggestions, especially for...
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    Kamelot singer falls ill, Michael Eriksen of Circus Maximus to replace him on NA tour

    Sometimes it happens and you cannot cancel a show or the tour due to various reasons. I had a swine flu problem last year when we had a gig and a friend had to replace me as well. It is very frusturating to be in such a situation.
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    Shadow Gallery... what to expect?

    Well, I don't know the arrangement of the tour exactly. We have 3 bands on the bill so one day we open up the night, one day Need do. If they are opening that night, then our show will probably start at 8.30 or so. If that is the case, I don't think we can make it there on time. But I would love...
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    ProgPower for dummies

    @ Dries -> I don't even remember how the heck I walked to Dusseldorf airport, set aside if I walked or not.
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    Shadow Gallery... what to expect?

    We have to be on stage at some otherplace when SG plays. I am darn angry / sad for that =(
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    ProgPower for dummies

    Hehe, well as a band member, I remember distributing 12 cases of beer to Baarlo community and 2 cases to some guy in Dusseldorf airport since they don't accept beer to the plane... One note for band members; - Do not party on the last day, when you have a plane at 10 am in another country. =).
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    (your)top 10 videogames of all time

    Not in any particular order; 1-) Deus Ex 2-) Tie Fighter 3-) Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal 4-) Gabriel Knight 1-2 5-) Space Quest 5 6-) Fallout 1-2 7-) Daggerfall & Morrowind 8-) Command & Conquer 9-) Dune 1-2 10-) Undying If I go back to the C64 days, I can probably come up with another 10.
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    Advice on meeting band members

    Actually, most of the time a musician wants to talk of something else than music. If you know of your favorite musician(s) hobby, go and talk about it or just go and random chat. You can praise the gig of their if you liked it, etc, but then most of the time the dialogue going OUT OF music...
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    A THANK YOU From Neverland

    Well, I will try to make it there if there are no tours conflicting etc. But at least I can present you this for now, a music video of the new album!! :D It is called This Voice Inside, we played this one at PP EU 09 as well, if I am not mistaken :)
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    A THANK YOU From Neverland

    Alright, we were supposed to get the new album ready for PP Europe 09' but due to unforeseen events, we are releasing it on 26th of March, 2010. Sorry people. If you want, you can sneak peak a sampler at, from the mp3 player. It features Jon Oliva, Edu Falaschi and...
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    Jon Oliva on the new Neverland album

    I am a long time fan of Edu and Urban as well as the Mountain King, so it is fun to have them on the album :).
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    A THANK YOU From Neverland

    Partying is nice :) it is refreshing! And foot-volley-ball is even more fun! Thank you all once again :D
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    A THANK YOU From Neverland

    Hello Friends! This is Oganalp, singing guy from Dreamtone & Iris Mavraki's NEVERLAND. I just wanted to post this thank you thread after it all settled here. We had such a great time there and enjoyed every moment of it. We would be more than happy to meet you people somewhere on the road...
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    PP2010 Wish List

    I am planning to visit PP EU again as a visitor as well and I would go for Blind Guardian. Since I toured with them as well, I know that they played in similar venues like the Sjiva. I know the price range and stuff so it is not my place to say anything about that but if BG were there, I would...