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  1. Teleute

    We lost an Oceansoul today...

    Hehe, I was watching that this morning, and looking at the photos from then. I think a section on OSA would be a fitting tribute.... Walking in the Air v2. I've been up for the last several nights, not getting more than an hour or three of sleep, ever since I found out she had been sent home...
  2. Teleute

    We lost an Oceansoul today...

  3. Teleute

    We lost an Oceansoul today...

    Hi all. I know I haven't been on the board in a very long time, and unfortunately I come back today to deliver terrible news. Zelda has lost a battle with cancer today. She was only sick for a few short months, it spread very aggressively. Despite this, and despite the pain her illness...
  4. Teleute


    I'm interested to see what sort of stuff she does on it... Nightwishy? AlysonAvenuey? Somethingcompletelydifferenty?
  5. Teleute

    The Console & Video Game Topic

    Yeah I heard good things about that one too, Xeno. Myself, I've been WiiFit'ing myself to death and bought Lego Indiana Jones but haven't played it yet. Been trying to reorganize my PC games... I don't keep them in their boxes/jewelcases cuz it takes too much space, and I have a snazzy lil...
  6. Teleute


    wow, her vocals have much improved from what I'm seeing here vs prior... man, she can really wail! It could also be a difference between how she performs at a somewhat isolated event like this vs during a full grueling tour, perhaps it is just the demands of constant touring that weakens her...
  7. Teleute

    Once Upon a Nightwish: reviews and discussion

    These unsung lines listed at the end of the lyrics of Ever Dream truly make me think he *did* have a thing for her: "All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you. One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain. For yours I truly wish to be." He does seem to have an...
  8. Teleute

    The OSA Anime Thread

    Go ahead and laugh, but i LOVE Inuyasha. <3 Basically the only anime I know is from the reruns on Cartoon Network... I also like DeathNote, sorta like Blood and Bleach, hate Naruto :p Also once watched Lodoss War and haaaaated it. It, and some weird ppl I used to know, totally turned me off...
  9. Teleute

    Nominations for the Nightwish Survivor contest are open - Post your nominations here!

    Swanheart Poet&Pendulum Ghost Love Score Beauty & the Beast Wishmaster OTHAFA End of All Hope Dead to the World Elvenpath Pharaoh Sails to Orion
  10. Teleute

    After Forever calls it quits

    I only got into them in the last year or so, and only know their most recent 2 albums so far; but I love 'em and this is sad news... Floor, join someone else! We need to have continued access to those amazing pipes of yours! XD
  11. Teleute


    I hope with their next album they will do a couple soft songs where she can just sing softly and sweetly; I enjoy her when she goes louder and pushes a bit, but I LOVE her soft sweet sound that we got to hear in "The Heart I Once Had". That is her greatest strength, I believe. A sweet, innocent...
  12. Teleute

    Tarja's solo album: My Winter Storm

    ahh gotcha.
  13. Teleute

    Tarja's solo album: My Winter Storm

    I'd hardly say AllMusic ripped her a new one; its a fair review with both positives and negatives noted. And what is the "Bjork" route? lol... no one can be Bjork but Bjork. :)
  14. Teleute

    Anette's statement regarding BH show

    God do I know how fickle an instrument the voice can be, even without a smoke machine in the mix. It's so easy, when you're giving it your all and are so emotionally invested in the moment, to break down when bad things happen like that. Even though she's a professional, she's under so much...
  15. Teleute


    I agree batera! I was just thinking about this today myself. For me there's that kind of difference between guitarist-songwriters and keyboardist-songwriters. Songs written by guitarists (like Mike Romeo of Symphony X or Timo Tolki of Stratovarius) may be sweeping and grand, and may be based on...
  16. Teleute

    The Book Thread! All opinions welcome!

    I started The Neverending Story, having grown up obsessed with that movie, but I'm just not feelin it right now for some reason, I think I'll need to go back to it at a later date when I'm in the right mood... so for now, hmm, what to read?... I guess I'll stick to articles in Seed/Discover...
  17. Teleute

    the official movie thread

    I haven't seen the movie yet, but you MUST READ THE BOOK!!!! It is so delish <3
  18. Teleute

    the official movie thread

    Finally watched the Bourne Ultimatum the other night... I loved the first two but this one blew them both away. If you hadnt seen the first 2 (or read Ludlum) I imagine it would make no sense whatsoever, as it just dives right in without laying down any explanation at all. The viewer must...
  19. Teleute

    Cancelled Nightwish gigs

    I feel so bad for them... even though its just something that happens, i bet it still feels like you're letting the fans down. *hugs them* And yay for Sonata for going onward and still being there for the fans and giving their all :)
  20. Teleute

    The Book Thread! All opinions welcome!

    i'm curious, has anyone read the "Twilight" series? I hear/see so many people talking about it or referencing it, I'm wondering is it worth looking into or not?