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  1. Norsemaiden

    Marriage - where to draw the line and why?

    Personally I would say people may as well marry whatever and/or whomever they want to unless the other person/thing objects. Marriage used to have a real purpose - strengthening the extended family and providing a basis for rearing children. Those days have sadly gone. Marriage is not...
  2. Norsemaiden


    Satanism is an individualistic philosophy. It can't go the distance in evolutionary terms. For that a group orientated socialistic perspective is essential. The eternal laws of Nature will favour that group which applies a cohesive and effectively competitive world view.
  3. Norsemaiden

    Aggressive Atheism

    Divergence into different religious groups, ironic as it may seem, is all part of natural selection - evolution. The groups will compete and one will prevail. If the Creativity religion expands as it should then clearly natural selection will ensure all White people, for example who remain a...
  4. Norsemaiden

    The banking crisis

    Eventually it will get that bad, but we can challenge it before it is too late by simply enough of us withdrawing consent and not playing it their way. At least criticising the farce that they call "democracy" and telling them we know it is false, for a start. Doesn't sound much but they do...
  5. Norsemaiden

    Can Humans Live in Peace?

    I understand it now. Peace is only ever a temporary situation, a truce basically. It is important to know this because we must be mentally prepared for peace to end. It will be very soon now. The problem is that when we don't understand this the peace is lost by a catastrophe and/or by...
  6. Norsemaiden

    Moderation & Board Issues

    Wow no comments here for such a long time! I do tend to think a "laissez faire" sort of freedom of speech approach works best for a forum such as this. The fact I am still a mod after all this time suggests I am right about that. But now I am back, I hope to attract some fresh contribution...
  7. Norsemaiden

    Moderator Returns!

    I have returned after years of wandering and learning. I have come back to you!!!! Yes and now I know a lot more and I am very wise. I will tell you some things that will amaze you. Just wait! First lesson: it's not always bad form to have a high opinion of yourself. --- But I am...
  8. Norsemaiden


    A very useful Bible quote for us anti-theists is the one where St Paul explains how the Pagans were already cool. At least, they were by Paul's standards. But they were also cool in ways Paul doesn't mention and wouldn't like LOL...
  9. Norsemaiden

    Capitalism vs Communism

    The relevance of nationalism/ethnicity/race to socialism is that, as mentioned in the original post - socialism and altruism are virtunally the same thing. It has been conclusively proved by science, as well as being easily observable to anyone without an axe to grind, that altruism in Nature...
  10. Norsemaiden

    Capitalism vs Communism

    Socialism doesn't have to be collectivism. Was National Socialist Germany collectivist? It is necessary to have an increasing amount of state intervention within a socialist system depending on how natually cooperative members within a society are. Therefore somewhere like Cuba or the...
  11. Norsemaiden

    Capitalism vs Communism

    Is "negative liberty" the liberty of some to oppress others unfairly? So do Capitalists have negative liberty, and postitive liberty would be the liberty to hang them all?
  12. Norsemaiden

    Electronic Evolution: Research Show Robots Forming Human-like Societies WOW!!! Stupid implication in the url though as Hitler was more like the martyr robot than the evil one.
  13. Norsemaiden

    Capitalism vs Communism

    Sounds like we're on the same wavelength razoredge. :)
  14. Norsemaiden

    Capitalism vs Communism

  15. Norsemaiden

    Should Marijuana be legalized?

    It would be better if governments made money out of it instead of criminal drug dealers though. My answer is also: yes and no. If I ruled then I would say: legalise drugs that quickly kill off degenerates. Make sure they are effective. But that is far-fetched. I don't want people...
  16. Norsemaiden

    What is femininity?

    I just came across this report on how boys and girls have a biologically determined preference for certain toys - eg girls generally preferring dolls and boys preferring cars. Of course it is only a generalisation...
  17. Norsemaiden

    What is femininity?

    Saying it isn't feminine is in no way a put-down. But if it did attract a quality mate then imo it can qualify as being feminine. I think so. Even in the case of little girls who are feminine, it could be just that they are showing that when they reach maturity they are likely to have more...
  18. Norsemaiden

    What is femininity?

    You're female but wouldn't you agree that moshing and growling is unfeminine? Myself I am trying to learn bellydancing from a video by a woman called Dolphinia, and she moves in such a sensual, seductive and poised way that has to be "feminine" imo. However I think it is learned to some...
  19. Norsemaiden


    I would like to make clear that I don't make any racial comparisons in the sense of race A being "superior" to race B. Non whites seem to have an inferiority complex however and appear to want to copy whites in various ways and be admired by us, while of course many whites like to look and...
  20. Norsemaiden

    What is femininity?

    I had been thinking about that exact same quote from Schopenhauer when I was writing earlier posts. My experience is that men are in fact more prone to behave like little boys. The women have to clean up after them, tell them to get a wash, allow them to play around with gadgets/toys etc. I...