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  1. MaelstromOC

    Help with tabbing Four Corners

    While this post is quite dated, I did a quick Guitar Pro tabbing. Due to the nature of the effects on the clean guitar, it's a little hard to hear all of the attacks, so the first two lines (bars 1-8) are a solid rhythm example of the core of the part. The third line and down (bars 9-23) are how...
  2. MaelstromOC

    Can Anyone Recommend Some More Doom Metal?

    Just thought I'd throw in, Ehsan and I believe the guitarist from Slumber are currently very close to the release of their new band AtomA's first album titled "Skylight" They've had a single out for a bit as well as a teaser track showcasing different tracks on the album. It's certainly quite...
  3. MaelstromOC

    Piano? :)

    I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but it would be awesome if Daylight Dies would do another track in the vein of "Back in the World" off of No Reply. I really miss the piano from No Reply and the Idle EP. Who all agrees? :)
  4. MaelstromOC

    Can Anyone Recommend Some More Doom Metal?

    Dude, Colosseum just went way up on my radar. I had never heard of them and phew! Definitely what I would call doom. I've never heard anything like it, so you should give me more of this :)
  5. MaelstromOC

    Free Album

    Downloaded and listened, you guys have a really nice sound and I can say I enjoyed your album quite a bit.
  6. MaelstromOC

    Lies That Bind video

    Hey, thanks Egan. I tried finding it for quite awhile, but couldn't find a decent version of it. And just so you guys know, my guitar still has you guy's signatures on it (it hasn't rubbed off yet!) Definitely my favorite possession.
  7. MaelstromOC

    Lies That Bind video

    Is there anyone out there that still has a copy of it in High Quality that would care to upload it somewhere? I can only find the 640x480 copy and would love to get the original high quality version back. I scoured the internet, but can't find it...
  8. MaelstromOC


    I'm sure I'll never get ahold of their earlier stuff, although I would love to. From the looks of it, I guess I was fortunate to have ordered the Idle EP at the same time I ordered No Reply (although the Idle EP arrived with a huge crack on the end of the disc :( it still worked though :) )...