Search results

  1. Monochrome

    "Sammetry - Creatio Revisited" Album

    Hello oh mighty UMers, I'd like to introduce you my solo album for your listening consideration and comments/feedback. This is an album that revolves around beliefs, stereotypes and behaviors people generated through many generation and how we reach a point of clarity with old, even ancient...
  2. Monochrome

    Chaosnerve - Endolight [Modern Metal]

    Ahoy UM! I am the guitar player of Chaosnerve and we've just released our debut EP, called Endolight. You can download and listen freely from the following links: From 1 September 2015 and...
  3. Monochrome

    musicians seeking musicians

    Chaosnerve, a melodic/electronic modern metal band from Istanbul, Turkey, is searching for a vocalist with dedication to music. We're album-ready and have strong connections. Nationality doesn't matter to us; our aim is to go international. has some sneak peeks...
  4. Monochrome

    What is your favorite song of In flames???

    Lunar Strain: Clad in Shadows Subterranean: Stand Ablaze The Jester Race: Graveland Whoracle: Morphing into Primal Colony: Colony Clayman: Square Nothing RTR: Minus STYE: F(r)iend Come Clarity: Take This Life ASoP: Disconnected SoAPF: Where the Dead Ships Dwell
  5. Monochrome

    Recorded some In Flames songs

    I've recorded some In Flames songs, only because I think they're awesome. You can find some other songs I've recorded as well at the following link: Basically it started as a tryout for my new ESP Eclipse but ended out to be an amateur production. Hope you...
  6. Monochrome

    New To Guitar, Have a Question

    You say you'll get bored of Taylor Swift or someone else trying to teach you guitar, but only wanna know how to play metal. Well, that's not gonna work. If you don't learn the anatomy of guitar from somewhere (which is the purpose of those videos and all), you can't learn any style. I...
  7. Monochrome

    First try at real mastering.

    Awesome recording... really awesome.
  8. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    I surely will! Thanks for the advice!
  9. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    Cheers bud. "Drumkit from hell" you say, I'll check it out right away! Glad you enjoyed the recordings - any thanks for the feedback a lot! A lovely way to improve you playing is through these comments.
  10. Monochrome

    Enhance my Midi Drums?

    Sending might be a bad option. But download Addictive Drums or EZDrummer. These programs can import midi files and then assign different sound effects to different drum parts. Just write the MIDI file with what program you're comfortable with, get a decent drum simulation and then import/play!
  11. Monochrome

    Need Help

    Try to build up some muscles =P You need stamina on it, it seems. You need to practice longer and harder for a while, your body will adapt in time. But tremolo picking isn't that hard, is it possible you're holding the pick too tight or something?
  12. Monochrome

    Your opinions on my second demo be brutally honest

    These songs sound not bad at all (while the recordings are not that good also), but they're like mood pieces from Yngwie Malmsteen more than an actual musical composition. Awesome guitar playing but I certainly got tired after second song.
  13. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    Cheers Compositional. I'm currently using Adobe Audition - used to it because of my old computer. But recently started discovering Cubase 5, which is really complicated for me atm. I'm playing through Amplitube atm. Using it as VST rather than a live plug-in tho. Surely I've considered some...
  14. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    Cheers! The drums are EZdrummer... Was aiming for BFD but too much stuff to buy/download.
  15. Monochrome

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it My cover project.
  16. Monochrome


    I used to use a Tama Imperial Star 14" with medium weight single ply heads from Remo. I also sticked a small silencer (or whatever they're called) on it, so the resonance wasn't on treble levels and the attack depth was lower. It gave a sound almost like Disturbed's drummers snare. Just...
  17. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    Well, unfortunately I don't have an amp or a pedal yet. So I'm plugging into the computer directly yet. In the future, I can show and record better performances hopefully! But thank you for your kind comments!
  18. Monochrome

    Guitar Recordings

    Recently I bought myself an ESP Eclipse, which is really pleasing me in a number of ways. So, I decided to do some recordings to test the performance and I think it's really paying off. But surely, second opinions are pretty important as well. So here are my recordings...
  19. Monochrome

    How much does the guitar tone effect how you feel?

    A Sense Of Purpose started a new era on guitar sounds, even though I mostly agree with your opinions on previous albums. It's harsh but smooth - heavy but clearly understandable - and it gives the feeling that it's raw enough to be used for Heavy Metal and mixed enough for New Age music too! As...
  20. Monochrome

    Lets hear your In Flames covers!!

    Hey there, Pretty nice tones and stuff there. Though there's a complicity between drum sound and the guitars. I enjoyed listening, good work! And below you can find some of my covers. They're all recorded using Amplitube/Rock Amp Legends ampli-simulations, Adober Audition, my EX-50, Guitar...