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    At the Gates ticket for sale palladium

    Still have it...if anyone is even thinking about going I will sell mine for half price because the event is getting close.

    Ticket for sale for palladium show

    half off now ..I need to get rid of it.

    Ticket for sale for palladium show

    I can no longer attend this show and I would like to know if anybody needs the ticket

    At the Gates ticket for sale palladium

    Anyone want to buy a ticket to at the gates at the palladium in worcester, mass. I am no longer able to go.

    X-as I Lay Dying Members New Band And It's Sick!!!

    at least its not another boring metal band

    Any you dudes listen to All That Remains?

    I like it... a lot more than the new killswitch which isnt bad but could have been a lil more; ATR have improved i think.

    The Black Dahlia Muder

    I have the cd... but Id much rather listen to slaughter of the soul than an attempted recreation of it. Hell, I would rather listen to THe red in the Sky...

    Metal Bassists...who are your favorites?

    No I mean his abillity. Sure he can do the job. WHen he does it right he does it RIGHT. But half of the time its just wandering nonsense. Like he doesn't hear the rest of the band. Quite goofy.

    Killswitch Engage: The End of Heartache

    i dont take music too seriously. I used to. The people who come on here and label core on everything they dont't like that isn't ultra-elite troo demonic satan possessed, in the cave(not closet...cause we can't forget grim) homosexuallity. THose people take it too seirous. Come outta the cave. I...
  10. SADUDE

    The Black Dahlia Muder

    THey didn't impress me live.
  11. SADUDE

    As I Lay Dying?

    Exactly what I think everytime I go to a metal show... except its 20 bucks. I pay 10 and have fun and see a core show. At least the cd wasn't over-priced like every metal show/cd. THeres ntohing terribly original about this band. They just encompass everything good about the specific style...
  12. SADUDE

    Killswitch Engage: The End of Heartache

    Don't sing-a-long. HAving fun is a taboo in metal ddin't ya know? I dont know whcih scene has more faggots. DOesn't matter they can go to the shows and get blasted. Especially if they like to wear something that will put bullseye on there forhead. I try not to use labels for music (mostly...
  13. SADUDE

    Metal Bassists...who are your favorites?

    Metal bassist(s)...the concept is foreign to me. I thought I was the only bassist. I can't hear many others. As my name implies I was a fan of digiorgio for awhile..until I realized he hardly ever comes through but he can. Over-rated in the same way Cliff Burton is/was. Alex Webster woopdee do...
  14. SADUDE

    Metal Bassists...who are your favorites?

    IS this thread a joke? Damn this troll
  15. SADUDE

    DEBATE - can metal be as good if the ideology is not there?

    I think the themes are childish, and can't imagine anyone taking them seriously. It is entertainment. For the most part metal is just another part of pop music. Pop music for angry suburban whites who usually choose it over rap. Maybe the listeners tend to take the music a little more seriously...
  16. SADUDE

    One (musical) thing you hate in metal

    The drummers usually make 75% of the music I listen to. I hate thir hyperblasting to nowhere. It puts me to sleep. The lyrics in most cases. The lack of rests and breaks in rhythm in most metal on all instruments. I would probably complain about bass if i could hear it on more than 1/20 albums...
  17. SADUDE

    Question for Norweigans

    because all the action is in america. THey are too troo.... Better things to do ya know. Burning churches for eaxample.
  18. SADUDE

    Why do Women Hate Metal- or any other complex music?

    Oh the image obscessed bands are a great influence too...
  19. SADUDE

    Why do Women Hate Metal- or any other complex music?

    WHich further proves the intrinsic homo-sexuallity of wanking, or better euphemistically known as "shredding."