Search results

  1. M

    LEE JACKSON GP-1000 88 replica for sale

    Why wouldn't you just buy a used one off eBay? I checked the other day, the GP1000 was going for $300-500 on average and the VHT power amp he uses was $1000. Add in the Marshall BV cab for another $500 and you could have his rig for $2000 total + guitar. The circuitry in the GP1000 is pretty...
  2. M

    Which album should I get next?

    Thanks! That's exactly the kind of response I was looking for. I like Blooddrunk (track), but the rest of the album had very little melodic content from what i heard imo. And the few clips of RRF weren't much different. I'll have to check out Halo of Blood then! I miss the solos!
  3. M

    Which album should I get next?

    Is there melodic content like the older albums? And yes, I intended on buying them
  4. M

    Which album should I get next?

    Have been following CoB since Follow The Reaper came out, but stopped after Are You Dead Yet (which was still a good album imo). I noticed they had 3 albums since then and am wondering do any of them sound anything like their older stuff (is it worth picking up). Everything up to AYDY I...
  5. M

    James,about your fender's strat specs

    If it had the normal specs of a strat it would be Maple neck with Alder body. ;)
  6. M

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and happy new years, James and everyone who posts here. Cheers!:kickass:
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    The new DISINCARNATE album

    I love what the album had before, I hope it's 90s Florida DM. :D
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    I'd say the EMG85 in bridge would sound thicker and crunchier.
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    I've done some weed before. I've never tried anything stronger, nor do I want to.
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    What's everyone's take on drugs? Which have you done?
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    Your Caparison is sick! The more I look at it, the more I want one. :D
  12. M

    James' First gig w/ Agent Steel (?)

    Cool video I ran across on YouTube. Didn't recognize James, but I recognized his style:rock:
  13. M

    Live At The Fillmore Video?

    There must be bootlegs (I hope). They should have video taped it! It would've made a KILLER DVD
  14. M

    James' Older Guitars

    Damn :(. Probably from medical expenses, I'm guessing.
  15. M

    James' Older Guitars

    Hey James, How are ya? I just saw some old Obituary and Disincarnate bootlegs and I saw you using a BC Rich Warlock and an Ibanez. We've only seen your Caparisons, and I was wondering if you could take pics of a few of your older guitars like the Warlock (if you still have them). --If you're...
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    Selling a DiMarzio HSH set of your choice

    I have a friend who can get me almost any DiMarzio HSH combination for free. I don't need any new pickups so I'd sell it here if that's cool. Humbuckers: $140 (for two) Single Coil: $40 (for one one) Name your pickup(s), and I'll see if I can get it from him. All pickups will be...
  17. M

    james, what was your first ever live gig playing?

    :O That's intense!
  18. M

    Career Options with a degree from GIT (MI)

    What are some possible career options (for guitar) with a bachelor degree from Guitarist's Institute of Technology (GIT) at Musician's Institute (MI). I really want to go there, but I always wondered what I could do with that degree. Thanks
  19. M

    Live At The Fillmore Video?

    Does he sell them or does he upload to websites? I'd love to see it. My fave live concert!
  20. M

    Live At The Fillmore Video?

    Is there a video (official or bootleg) of "Live At The Fillmore" with James Murphy? Thanks!