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  1. H

    Helpeth Me translate a poem from English to Norsk!

    Sooo... several days ago my English teacher asked my class if anyone spoke or was learning anything other than Spanish and of course English(I am a native english speaker, pero mi español es mejor que mi noruego). I was an idiot and I said that I am teaching myself Norwegian assuming that he was...
  2. H

    Immortal are back !

    If Abbath does the fire breathe thing once, Immortal will go back to the woods for a few years, If twice, then they will stick around for awhile, If three times, Immortal will stay around for a long time, realease a dvd with the hillarious old videos and a pirate will break Varge Vikernes out of...
  3. H

    best quote

    Thunder breaks the silence of 500 men assembled ashore Gazing through the misty rain At a mountain, not a mile away So dark and silent it stands there The mighty Amon Amarth Reaching for the cloudcloked skies So grom and Fearful in might. The entirety of the lyrics for Amon Amarth, The...
  4. H

    Other bands?

    Burzum, Darkthrone, Mortician, lots of other black and death metal bands. errmmm.... I also listen to the Insane Clown Posse(not as much as I used too though... I dicovered true metal. I had been a bit put off to metal by my brothers annoying Nu-metal crappery of Korn and Bizkit) lol...
  5. H


    These guys arent funny, they just suck... Can anyone find the link to the guys that did Pursuit of Vikings with the Santa hats? those guys were roflcopterlords
  6. H

    Bergen vikingish sightseeing

    Better see Fantoft quick, rumor is that Varg may be getting out soon...