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  1. B

    Control Denied second album

    :) Control Denied 2 would be great as the fragile art of existence was awesome.I really liked that quote about guitarists are people who couldn't make it as a bassist.I consider myself a damned good thrash guitarist but I am a bass player first and foremost as I tell people when asked.I...
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    Looking for fast songs

    :cool: I found that copying songs,playing to records works well,I definately worked for me and I play many styles(everything from Rush to Metallica,Maiden,Slayer etc.,however I agree that working your own riffs is very helpful and will tend to make you more of your own player instead of a...
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    For finger-style shredders out there...

    :kickass: I started to practice to Maiden back in the early 80's and even with my Rush,Yes and Genesis stuff I still haul out the P-Bass at least once a week and put the ric 4001 aside for a Maiden session.Great for speed.Maiden's music is just plain fun and not too hard to learn although Steve...
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    The Dudepit

    :kickass: I haven't visited in a while but I think I have a good idea?I spend a lot of time on the dudepit,usually on the Rickenbacker forum or the Toothless and Slippery forum(fretless bass discussion}.I think a lot of fretless players would like advice from the hippie of doom himself!I'm sure...
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    String Choices for Fretless

    :cool: Thanks for the input guys.I guess I'll leave those rounds alone.Thank's steve for the reply.The bass actually sounds really good for the price and looks cool too.I learned bass on the string bass as a kid and so I do very well with the fretless as well as a fretted bass.Any more input is...
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    String Choices for Fretless

    :ill: I recently purchased a rogue fretless bass to compliment my rickenbacker 4001 and p-bass (fretted). The bass came with roundwound strings and I always thought fretless basses should have flats.I use GHS tapewounds on my rick and rounds on the fender.I know that steve has a fretless...