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  1. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    And after a seeming eternity :) Ryan and I will put some higher quality stuff up later but enjoy for now. James & Ryan
  2. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    That's good to hear! I am as well but I'm fortunate to be in software development which doesn't seem to have been hit as hard as some industries.
  3. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    Probably not but at least we'll have fun doing it. :) How's it going David?
  4. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    Nah, the main riffs will remain. What may change is some of the bridge and minor sections. Really I'm just guessing at this point...
  5. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    You know the funny thing is that I'm not sure. Ryan and I have been so focused on new stuff that we haven't really had a chat about how these fit into the mix. My feeling is that we'll probably wind up making at least a few changes but we'll see.
  6. DemonJames

    James, We Didn't Forget About You

    Oh my, signs of life on the SD forum. ;) I've been playing and creating some cool stuff with (former SD guitarist) Ryan and the chemistry has been great. We've both wanted to keep this at a much more casual pace than SD was so we've got a lot of ideas in various states. And while the type-A...
  7. DemonJames

    SHADOW DEMON parts ways

    Yes, it is possible but I'm not fixated on being a vocalist, only making great music. If the right person comes along that makes sense for the music I'll happily bring them into the project.
  8. DemonJames

    SHADOW DEMON parts ways

    Thanks guys. Yes it really does suck but it's one of those things that in the long run is best for those involved. Yes, Max, I do believe that all of us will be in active projects very soon so there will still be more songs from each of us in the future, just not as SD. Until then, I...
  9. DemonJames


    Very nice! You'll have to tell me how you like them after doing some mixes.
  10. DemonJames


    The low end wasn't consistent enough. Part of that is the room, too, though. Well, the biggest reason is the 2031 didn't exist when I got mine. :) The specs on the 2031 look good so if you're looking for something in that price range then they are not a bad option. As to what monitors are...
  11. DemonJames


    I have the older 2030A monitors. They are OK but, like any other monitor, you really have to spend time getting used to their quirks.
  12. DemonJames

    Live pics from 01/25/08!!!!!

    I didn't say 'try.' There is no try... :D
  13. DemonJames

    Open up and say, "Ahhh..."

    "Turn your head...cough..." :D Yes, I'm having a good time with it. It was quite a bit of work to get the vocals right and as intense as I wanted while still playing bass still but I think in the end this is going to work out really, really well.
  14. DemonJames


    Quick shirt update: We're in the process of getting some quotes and, if all goes well, should order them this week. I'll let you folks know any new info as I get it.
  15. DemonJames

    So...wanna buy a t-shirt?

    Sign me up, Mr. Helm.
  16. DemonJames

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Agreed 100%. You know, I read about these kick-ass parts on the new IE and so I eagerly listened and boy was I heartbroken. People keep mentioning 'The Clouding,' for instance, and after 5+ mins of sloooooooow build up 'the riff' kicks in and leaves me going "Huh? That's it?" Needless to...
  17. DemonJames

    Symphony X: Trouble in Paradise

    But of course...wait, are you drunk?
  18. DemonJames

    Official Off Topic Thread

    Which was probably a good move in his part given the meh that was TGB.
  19. DemonJames

    Symphony X: Trouble in Paradise

    Should he be? :kickass:
  20. DemonJames


    Bah it's been a tad crazy over here, sorry about the lack of reply, Max. I hope to have something positive to tell you guys about the shirts this week.