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  1. E

    New to Persuader

    Hehe, no problem Jocke...I can honestly recommend everybody to check out the new Assailant video/song "A day tomorrow". Umeå's Evergrey? ;) Great stuff!
  2. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    We haven't really decided yet, if so than it will be "only" for the mixing part. We'll do everything else ourselves.
  3. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    Yeah I think it was mostly (tweaked) EZdrummer, with different cymbals if I remember correctly. Mattias may have changed stuff around a little, he just tried different sounds until we were satisfied.
  4. E

    PERSUADER to enter studio in May

    Elminster: I'll check it out for sure, but I think we'll try to mix and match a whole bunch of sounds to get something a bit unique. As for the Blabbermouth news, it's up on the dockyard1 site (but not our own :goggly: ). Time to get to work!
  5. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Now there's an idea for the merchandise department...Start printing Emil!
  6. E

    Oh by the way..

    ....Happy New Year everybody! :rock:
  7. E


    It's supposed to be "visualize", I guess Jens suffered from the European accent. Or maybe he still is, not sure if it's audible on the other albums? :goggly:
  8. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Hehe, great suggestions! :lol: You're all hereby dubbed KIPS....Knights In Persuader's Service
  9. E

    Just out of curiosity

    Religion is an interesting topic to write about, but I wouldn't call any of us overly religious. Believe in yourself (and Persuader). ;)
  10. E

    Want to help PERSUADER come to the US? READ ME =)

    Awesome initiative, thanks a bunch Squeak!
  11. E

    US tour?

    In Paris, Lyon if I remember correctly, with Metalium. Awesome show, the audience was crazy! :rock: It was just after the France release of Hunter, so the year must have been 2000.
  12. E

    US tour?

    Well we _have_ played France once..and you missed us? Tsk tsk... :D
  13. E

    Nightingale at MartoHell Oktober Fest

    live for the sacred empire..... LETS GO CRAZY!! :rock:
  14. E

    The breathing zzzhadow

    So, I just put my girl to sleep to "Eye for an eye", seems to work every time. :goggly: Do you find "The breathing shadow" to be a "sleep album" so to speak? Or does the ending scream put you off? ;)
  15. E

    To the hardcore Edge of Sanity fans

    Oh dear, how I want an Unorthodox shirt....All I've got is the Purgatory afterglow tee. :erk:
  16. E

    personal statement.

    You obviously have very good taste, welcome. :)
  17. E

    So...wanna buy a t-shirt?

    Well, this is all we had left from the last shipment so..I guess the other sizes were sold out at the last shows we played. We'll print new girlies next time for sure. Just the logo in stylish silver, how does that sound girls? :) Cool idea with the backcover thing, I'll try to keep that in mind.
  18. E

    So...wanna buy a t-shirt?

    It took us just about ten years, :OMG: but now you can finally order your very own t-shirt and become that cool cat you know you wanna be. Just go to and check out the clothing section (Savage Circus tees also available). Only one motive up right now but there will be more...
  19. E

    First time you heard the Until Eternity Ends EP

    ..or turn the volumeknob real quick.
  20. E

    First time you heard the Until Eternity Ends EP

    Mission accomplished then. :lol: Great EP btw