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  1. Disposable_Yuri

    Post your picture v1.0

    Oh wait... you guys are together? .....damn... :mad: :p Me looking at some camera shit at the studio:
  2. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  3. Disposable_Yuri

    Favorite vocalist

    Papa Hetfield Ian Gillan Mikael Äkerfeldt Chuck Schuldiner (pre-Symbolic) Jari Mäenpää
  4. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  5. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  6. Disposable_Yuri

    Video thread (Youtube etc.) why can't Zakk sing like that anymore :(
  7. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  8. Disposable_Yuri

    Post your picture v1.0

    Dude! Do you post on the Megadeth boards? I think I saw you somewhere........ Anyway.. you look like Devin Townsend minus the skullet! :kickass:
  9. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  10. Disposable_Yuri

    other bands you like (not necessarily thrash)

    Nice list! Wintersun Norther Ensiferum Death Carcass Megadeth Angra Devin Townsend Band/Strapping Young Lad Amoral Cynic Emperor Kalmah Nevermore
  11. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  12. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

    Racer X :P
  13. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

    What's better than an amazingly hot lady who knows Austrian Black Metal? anyway.. next band: Norther
  14. Disposable_Yuri

    Mandatory Now Playing

    Cynic - How Could I Focus is an amazing album!
  15. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

    Nuclear Assault
  16. Disposable_Yuri

    Family Guy

    Simpsons HAD no boundries.. now simpsons is really mainstream and repeats jokes after joke. Family Guy is as random as it gets.. and follows the Simpsons concept. South Park smashes them all. "Rispect ma authoritää" > "eat my shorts" anyday.
  17. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

    They were already mentioned :P But whatever.. Buckethead
  18. Disposable_Yuri

    Band Name Game

  19. Disposable_Yuri

    Post your picture v1.0

    You're just really hawt. :Smug: