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  1. Melusina

    Alissa White-GLuz is the new singer for Arch Enemy

    This is an interesting switch up that I am curious to see where it goes. I have never been a huge AE fan and I was a fan of Alissa's voice the moment I heard it, but The Agonist left me kind want something more so maybe this will be the perfect pairing. I must say after listening to the first...
  2. Melusina

    Anyone listen to Tumous' new song?

    I must say it was better than I expected it to be looking forward to hearing more.
  3. Melusina

    The OSA Christmas Card Exchange!

    Am I too late to participate? I still have my cards from the very first exchange.
  4. Melusina

    I am in love with Alissa from the Agonist

    I am with you C her stage presence is amazing. I quite honestly think she is one of the strongest female performers out there, actually just performers in general, the first show I saw her perform at she came out and did one of Blackguards songs with them and it was like their vocalist didn't...
  5. Melusina

    I am in love with Alissa from the Agonist

    Ok so for any of you that made it to the Nightwish shows probably saw her perform with Kamelot, but I have been following her band The Agonist for a couple of years when they opened for a show I was at. I fell in love with her voice almost instantly I am not usually a fan of their style of...
  6. Melusina

    OSA celebrates 9 years!

    I missed our birthday! I am so happy that I joined this group just months after it began. So many wonderful memories!
  7. Melusina

    Fall 2012 North American tour

    I feel the exact same way C. if it does happen one day I will be over the moon though.
  8. Melusina

    Fall 2012 North American tour

    wow extremely jealous, happy for the Austin fans though.
  9. Melusina

    Fall 2012 North American tour

    I have had my eye on the S100 or S110, so I don't have to drag the work camera all over the place (or get press passes everywhere I go, another down fall to trying to bring a DSLR to shows) good to know that it has the power behind it to do well in those circumstances.
  10. Melusina

    Fall 2012 North American tour

    Awesome shots! Can I camera geek out on your for a second and talk shop? I shoot with a Canon Mark III for my photography business, but it is so big that I hardly ever take it to shows. I am always curious what other people are using.
  11. Melusina

    Other Nightwish Interviews/Articles

    You beat me to it I was just signing on to post this hahaha! He was pretty adorable on the rides.
  12. Melusina

    Fall 2012 North American tour

    Agrees with Snowy your pictures have me very excited. Plus I am interested to hear how another fans review compares to mine.
  13. Melusina

    Anette Parting with Nightwish

    Shhhh Ray you are ruining my moment where I ignored all of this and enjoyed a world where Tuomas and Floor come together and work in perfect harmony and everyone is happy. That being said you make all valid points that have gone through my head more than once in the past few days.
  14. Melusina

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY C...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy birthday!!! I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did!
  15. Melusina

    I'm not an Epica fan

    I have to agree live they are fantastic, I like them much more live than just listening to them at home. Blackguard gave me a backstage pass at the show I met my husband at, I got to meet the bands and Mark was actually super nice on that occasion.
  16. Melusina

    Anette Parting with Nightwish

    That's interesting to me, I don't find her vocals to be normal or generic at all, but I am also a fan of After Forever. Hey not everyone is going to like the same things. I know she is getting compared very heavily to Tarja because she does have the ability to hit some of higher registers, but I...
  17. Melusina

    I'm not an Epica fan

    Humm I don't know if I have got anything to convince you because I feel like Mark Jansen's work is often just a recreation of his other work I remember showing my ex MaYan, who got me into, Nightwish, After Forever and Epica and his response was pretty much wow sounds like all his other bands. I...
  18. Melusina

    Portland Nightwish show review

    It could be because she does have a cold going on at the moment. I don't know I go look back they were hit and miss to me, better than Anette's because I loved some of them, I still lust over that red jacket from the Once album. My point being I don't think many of her outfits were...
  19. Melusina

    Portland Nightwish show review

    No no sorry, that was me agreeing with you! It was just a topic that I personally had been trying not to bring up because I wanted to look past her bad taste in fashion LOL. The point I was trying to make is that I think that Tarja and Floor have such big personas that I never really cared what...
  20. Melusina

    Portland Nightwish show review

    Man I have tried so hard to not bring up Anette's fashion sense, because I really try not to judge people on how they dress, especially since I am the poster child in our group of "hey look normal people can like metal too" The part that I can't get past is that I think Anette actually thought...