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  1. orb

    Sinergy removed from Spotify. Anyone still have mp3s?

    Sinergy was my absolute favorite band in the mid-late 2000s and I wanted to listen to them again. Sadly it seems they were recently removed from Spotify (I had successfully listened to them on Spotify not too long ago, maybe 2017 or something). I've searched everywhere and can't find any mp3s...
  2. orb

    TAB Thread.

    I don't see why not... If I remember correctly I started trying to play bodom after about 3 months of playing guitar. Sure I was f-ing terrible and I'm sure it sounded horrible, but I'll bet challenging myself like that helped me learn quickly.
  3. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Holy crap seriously, that guy is absurdly full of himself, he's a jackass, and on top of it all he's fucking horrible.
  4. orb

    Alexi Laiho Signature Pickup.....

    That's a nice quality interview, video wise at least lol. I mean obviously, since it's professionally done. Still, you'd think they could have chosen a better live excerpt to show... like maybe one he actually plays clean on :'(
  5. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    "both tab threads" ? Where's his other?
  6. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Nice dude, the vocals are fantastic! Where's the bass tho? There's no bass :(
  7. orb

    How long have you been a Bodom fan?

    Only 2 years <sob> I wish I had found metal earlier in my life...
  8. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Damn mitch, I enjoy watching that hatebreeder vid even more than the gp1000 test you have :) Simply fantastic as usual
  9. orb

    TAB Thread.

    Hahaa I don't know how you could possibly hear that as 131 O_O
  10. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Damn Arcana that is a really sick cover! Seemingly unlike everyone else, I'm not a big fan of the tone -_- but the playing is VERY clean, fantastic job :D One thing that would probably improve your lead sound a ton is vibrato on the bends. Other than that, good job with the solo :)
  11. orb

    TAB Thread.

    I didn't mean to say it in a bad way, I was just saying, I'm going to try to clean up that tab because it has a lot of missing stuff. Sorry to have offended you, I thought you would have realized I appreciate your tabs by now since I have constantly thanked you for them both on these forums...
  12. orb

    Children of Bodom - Cover Thread

    Hey guys I covered Hate Me! last night :D Reviews/comments please? Thanks :3 Click the link for high quality :)
  13. orb

    TAB Thread.

    I've never taken my guitar out to tab a song before... Anyways, maybe Corny's right. Maybe I use my scale knowledge to my benefit without realizing it. I have no idea. In any case, I need to retab shadow island soon... that's one of the worst tab's I've seen from you mitch (saying that in a...
  14. orb

    TAB Thread.

    This guaranteed makes tabbing by trial and error more accurate than tabbing by scales... you can't just assume every note he plays is going to be in the scale. You're going to end up with very inaccurate tabs that way. I assure you this is the way all the idiots on ultimate-guitar tab. I have...
  15. orb

    Jackson RR24 + EMG PA-2

    i'd be a little weary of that auction. In every shot, the cord goes straight out the frame, and the seller doesn't mention its length at all. It's possible it's very short and the seller doesn't want to reveal this.
  16. orb

    TAB Thread.

    I agree that scales aren't really needed for tabbing. Personally I spent years studying classical and jazz before getting into metal, so I know my scales and theory inside and out, which certainly helps for writing music and soloing, but it doesn't do anything for tabbing since you're just...
  17. orb

    TAB Thread.

    Audacity can change tempo and it's free.
  18. orb

    TAB Thread.

    I would imagine roope plays the parts he plays live on the actual album lol... I suppose alexi COULD do both but why would he when roope could play his own parts?
  19. orb

    TAB Thread.

    That correction to the KTS solo tab is great mitch. Especially the sweep in bar 38... that makes it so much easier. Do please record a video ^.^ The only thing I didn't like was that I thought it was fast, but I might just not have listened to the song in too long. It just seems like it's...
  20. orb

    Metal Archives

    Ugh I'm glad I didn't click on the link and instead only read the excerpts you guys posted... jeez what a bunch of retards.