Search results

  1. waif

    Riff-oriented death metal

    In a lot of death metal, especially the more brutal stuff, the details of the guitar work are lost behind muddy tones and walls of blastbeats. I want something where I can clearly make out the guitar riffs. And also where the guitar riffs are good, because there's a lot of death metal out there...
  2. waif

    R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister

    Lemmy is a goddamn legend. He never stopped kicking ass for 45 fucking years, and there aren't very many people who can claim that. I'll be blasting Inferno favorite Motorhead album, 30 years into their career.
  3. waif

    The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

    AFRO's verse (1st one) from this song off the new JMT album keeps getting stuck in my head.
  4. waif

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    I've heard Slough Feg mentioned a lot over the years, but I only recently checked them out and I regret putting it off so long. This is some dope-ass metal with an awesome sci-fi vibe. My name and occupation tattooed on my face The stars my destiny, deep space my dwelling place
  5. waif

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Jamming Slough Feg's Hardworlder and checking in on you goons. What's up with yall?
  6. waif

    Gamers Thread

    Pretty stoked for Bannerlord. Definitely gonna lose a few days to that.
  7. waif

    Males and Females

    Well I banged the dude's girl in front of him and he seemed pretty stoked about it. They recently got married.
  8. waif

    Males and Females

    I've met some couples who were successfully open. It takes a certain type. I've come to the conclusion that I myself am reasonably well-suited for non-monogamy. I'd hoped that my woman would grow secure enough in our relationship for us to re-open it but I suspect this will not be the case...
  9. waif

    Gamers Thread

    I need to get some weed so I can start gaming baked again. Fucking love it. Mount and Blade: Warband with the Clash of Kings mod while stoned constitutes some of my favorite gaming memories.
  10. waif

    Males and Females

    Yeah I don't believe it was a trap. She honestly thought she wouldn't mind at the start. I guess one of the other things that bothers me is she's a lot more attached than I am. I like some alone time and I feel a bit smothered. Might have to have a Serious Talk or something, but that means...
  11. waif

    Males and Females

    So my woman and I started off as non-monogamous and that was pretty clutch but for a while now she's insisted on monogamy. And I love her, so I went with it, but lately it's been bugging me. I'd feel like an asshole leaving her over it but it's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I...
  12. waif

    Gamers Thread

    I keep starting games and losing interest after a couple hours. Anyone else get that? Not sure what to do, I want to play these fucking things but it starts to feel like a chore the moment I run up against any real flaws in the game.
  13. waif

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    shoulda told her your eyes felt somewhat assaulted by how fugly she was
  14. waif

    Males and Females

    I don't like cooking, but I'm pretty solid at it so usually I do it. The ideal would be a slam piece that can actually cook me shit while I play video games or whatever.
  15. waif

    Gamers Thread

    Anyone else play Dying Light? I feel like it's so close to greatness but it's a little too much like a Ubisoft open world game. Way better than their previous game Dead Island though.
  16. waif

    Males and Females

    Jex Thoth take themselves too seriously imo. If I want Sabbath-y psychedelic retro doom shenanigans with a female singer I generally go for the first two Blood Ceremony albums.
  17. waif

    Gamers Thread

    I plan on playing through the franchise now that the third one's out and I have a decent computer again. Tried to get into DA:O before but I bounced off the combat. I'll give it another try though. First, though, I have a couple years worth of shooters to blow through. Crysis 3, Far Cry 4...
  18. waif

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    Just got a new computer and I was pumped to try out some games but nothing's working right. The computer's fine it's just these shitty torrents, I hope.
  19. waif

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Not ashamed to say I dig stoner metal. A lot of it is pretty bad, but the basic concept of heavy groovy droning metal that sounds awesome when you're stoned is pretty solid.
  20. waif

    Males and Females

    I'm not good at parties. I'm not good at situations that involve dancing and I'm not good at situations that involve large numbers of people. So I'll ask a girl to a quiet bar, because that lends itself to a situation in which I can be more impressive. First impressions are huge - you gotta set...