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  1. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    50 lbs is fine im saying that is the amount where over weight fees ussualy start to be charged im talking about 100lb pound bags, especially when your dealing with hundreds of bags and are on a tight time limit, remeber we also have passeners bitching to get their bags as fast as possible this...
  2. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    ^ok im sorry but anyone who checks in anything of value at an airport is fucking stupid. I worked as a rampie loading planes for 2 years and honestly nobody whos making minimum wage gives a fuck about a fragile sticker. second there are weight restrictions for a reason not just because of the...
  3. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    also i dont beleive that TSA is effective. airport security as a whole is teribly ineffective i could tell you millions of ways to bypass security. but i think its more meant as a pacifier, people need to think their being protected.
  4. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    yes and apparantly he tried to attack the cops with a stapler but the biggest issue of that event was an email that got leaked that was sent between the cops where they had decided to taeser the guy before they even arrived at the airport. Also one of the cops is a complete dick who just got out...
  5. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    Once you are through security its no longer a public area, even if your sitting outside the airport taking pictures of planes taking off security will come and talk to you, i would be dissapointed if they didnt.
  6. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    About 2 years ago at the vancouver international airport a polish man named Robert Dzchensky was killed by the rcmp.
  7. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    ^ye sure he has the the right to film but hes got no proof that hes press and hes not answering any questions(being beligerent) so some dude with no proof of who he is and who is not being coopoerative is filming security operations in a secure area. That is asking for trouble hes lucky he didnt...
  8. garry666

    Liberty Activist takes on Detroit TSA. Unreal!

    ok thing is this is an airport and this guy is acting suspicious, and hes doing it on purpose to see how people respond. and hes doing it right after a terrorist attempt of course people are gona be on edge. TS is not out just to look out for terrorist but also for beligerent passengers who...
  9. garry666

    New website :) yayyy

    lol at vaginal bear trap
  10. garry666

    Investment suggestions

    Real estate. Right now the markets in the shitter and prices are still low but they arent gona stay there for ever if you can afford to put to 10-20% down on a house get a mortgage and rent it out covering most of the cost of the mortgage youll be fukin rollin in cash in a few years, ive heard...
  11. garry666

    Most scary kiddy fiddler (WTF)

    LOL i thought you meant a kid who played the fiddle.
  12. garry666

    Writting lyrics.

    fuck yeh man i recently started singin in a band and fuck i hate rightin lyrics one cuz i feel like weird writting out my opinions an shit it just seems weird. Generally i record the songs first then figure out what tones im gona use....basically i scream nonsensical vowels then i put words to...
  13. garry666

    Sneap Forum Member on MTVs Headbangers Ball

    Wicked congrats man.
  14. garry666

    sleep disturbances

    Ive been having the same problem i fall asleep fine but wake up every hour on the hour for at least 10 mins si i got some sleepin pills and its been all good since then.
  15. garry666

    i re-watched muppet treasure island last night

  16. garry666

    Sea Shepperds rammed & destroyed!

  17. garry666

    Car Question (Catalytic converter)

    First thing i did when i got my truck was rip it out, but that was back when i was livin in a town without emission standards tests so i had to keep my insurance records as saying i still lived with my folks cuz it failed the emmision tests about as bad as you can. the catylatic converter...
  18. garry666


  19. garry666

    USA healthcare overhaul

    i heard some senator snuck a bill in there that made it legal for him to smoke pot.