Search results

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    Happy Birthday Dag!

    Happy Birthday Dag! Rock on, but don't break your g-string... how lame of me.
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    Pirating music

    I used to download about 5 albums a day, but as soon as I realised limewire pro was also illegal (oops) I purchased every album I thought worth purchasing and I deleted everything else. I'll never download again. It's stealing, plain and simple. Any justification for downloading is weak...
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    Latest Swanö masterpiece available!

    "Make 15 Euros in donations so far in the career of the band." hahahaha Album is pretty damn good from what I've heard so far. Shall hopefully make a donation as soon as I pay off my $800 music binge debt.
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    Edge of Sanity inspired by... Mario?

    hahaha, nice find! I always thought that riff sounded familiar too. Mario must've seeped into my subconscious.
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    It's sad that the forum is shutting down, but don't worry because Tonight, we JAM IN HELL!! Maybe you can teach me and Lucifer how to play guitar well. Just kidding, Thanks Mike.
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    Final redemption in the wake of unholy dismemberment/Last rites before somber funeral

    I really surprised myself and voted Morningrise. It used to be one of my least fave Opeth albums but atm I'm diggin' it and can't get TBYF out of my head!
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    Now Playing Thread

    Paatos- Hypnotique... Unicorn- Emotional Wasteland
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    Free/Legitimate Downloads

    Thanks guys, I'm really enjoying all of the suggestions, especially Maudlin of the Well and The Pax Cecilia. May I also suggest The Morningside's album entitled 'The Wind, the Trees and the Shadows of the Past'- really good album, not far removed from some of agalloch's stuff. Here's the...
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    question(s) about unicorn

    Firstly, sorry if this has been asked/posted before but I couldn't find it anywhere. I just purchased Unicorn's 93 and 95 albums ('ever since' and 'emotional wasteland') and was curious as to how many copies of these albums have been made? Also, does anyone have information regarding...
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    Free/Legitimate Downloads

    Thanks guys. All I have to do now is listen to this stuff.
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    Free/Legitimate Downloads

    If anyone knows of any albums which I can download for free (legitimately), I would love to know what they are. Preferably metal, but I'm really just after good music as I can't afford to buy any more cd's for a while. Thanks.
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    Bands that employ both, acoustic and electric guitars

    That song by the Morningside posted above @ 1:29 reminds me of KATATONIA a LOT... 'Brave' to be more specific. Or is it 'Murder'? I can't remember.
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    Opeth=Green Day lol =P

    HAHAHAHA! I thought that was funny. THe last minute was a bit of overkill but the beginning had to be a joke? I can only hope so anyway. He's wearing a metallica shirt and they don't exactly get played much on the radio these days; all the more reason to think he's just messing around. If...
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    The Recommendation Thread

    'Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven' is a good place to start, but all their albums are quite good.
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    New (weird) Opeth Interview

    same. The interviewer seemed a little bit stoned or something. It's good to hear an interview that is a bit different from your typical "so, you just released a new album, watershed..." ... gets so monotonous.
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    Does Opeth use auto-tune in recordings?

    What would you rather... vocals that stay in key and sound smooth, or a few 'errors' here and there? I know that I'd choose the former. Personally, I only oppose auto-tuning when it produces a very artificial sound, or when a singer can't sing live, and there is a susbequently a considerable...
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    Truth about Opeth's albums

    Not to be a suck-up, but I've always thought the previous lyrics mentioned eg. "Will the children cry..." work quite well. But I'm not going to try and convert anyone with my 'infallible' opinion, unlike some people here.
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    Is there a band that makes u think you're the only one who really likes it??

    tbh, i don't like all of ozric tentacles' stuff, but some of it is great. and, it's good to hear that someone else appreciates the work of Mr Swano. since i posted that i got Karaboudjan and i'm tracking down Odessey!
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    Orchid Vinyl Track listing Mix Up

    faults like that usually, if not always boost the price of records, so i'd be happy if i were you ;)
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    Most depressing metal album

    Silencer- Death-pierce me Makes me wanna kill myself haha