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    How does Chimaira do that?

    sorry this thread was unnecesary, please delete it. Thanks!
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    This Ion Dissonance Guitar Sound

    i want to ask if you know how the Ion Dissonance guys do this one special sound, which i never heard before listening to them. This "dedädedädedäde!" it comes for example in the first track of solace (play dead...) at the end after "kill yourself or someone you like" very often. for...
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    This special palm mutes?

    Hi, i heard this kind of palm mutes quite often now (whitechapel), but i always thought, that this is their guitarsound, now i think it´s probably, just not playing power chords as palm mutes, but another chord instead. Here is a perfect example: please go on the myspace site of the band...
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    New forum project!

    you say "new" project was there one already?
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    Chris "Zeuss" Harris

    Hi, I listened a couple of times to "Whitechapel - This is Exile" mixed by "Zeuss" now and it has a really good Sound. I first thought it was a Sneap Mix. So has anyone more Information about him or is he even on the Forum? Thanks!
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    Lundgren M6 - Meshuggah Humbucker for Sale

    hey! the buyer from the ebay auction didnt pay so i am still selling it! I will sell it for 85 euro + shipping cost, thats 120 cheaper than normal. just pm me!
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    Impulse Collection Pack

    are there descriptions in it which speakers and equipment was used for a impulse? i want to try impulses out but earlier with the GH impulses i just thought, that its stupid to check out lots of unspecified impulses when i know, that i only like v30s.
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    Top Mixing Engineers?

    Fredrik Thordendal did an awesome mixing on Obzen and Catch 33.
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    E-Mastering: .zip or not?

    sorry false post
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    Changing Note Pitch of a Channel

    Hi, how can i best make a channel a half note (or more) lower? without changing the speed of it. I already used the pitch-thing in cubase , which isnt perfect imo. Also tried the line6 gearbox effect "bender" but i dont know how to set accurate notes with that. I mean i dont want to change...
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    Lundgren M6 - Meshuggah Humbucker for Sale

    Hi, i am Selling a Lundgren M6 Humbucker for bridge position. This is the Version of the Meshuggah Pickup for a 6 String Guitar. Best Pickup i ever had, i only sell it cuz i have 2 Guitars with it, and i am now only playing one of them. Comes in perfect condition, like new, with...
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    Thigh drumming as a Trigger for Drums

    thanks! I did it now with KT Drum Trigger. Works good, no problem. A Tip from me to other starters: You have to set the "mninimum seconds to pass until next hit can be done" to lower than 0.1 seconds. I set it the lowest it goes.
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    Thigh drumming as a Trigger for Drums

    thanks thats awesome! So how can i best convert the transients into midi? I am using Cubase SL3.
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    Thigh drumming as a Trigger for Drums

    Hi, can i somehow do that? I mean i am drumming with my hands on my upper legs and record that with a microphone. Can i convert that hits into midi notes, so that i can allocate it to drum sounds (DFHS). That would be awesome. I read, that Thomas Haake recorded the drums for...
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    Cheap room treatment for vox recording

    - soorry false post
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    How do i go on the ftp?

    hi. in some threat one said, that there is a data on the forum ftp. where is that ftp,?
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    Sounds for a Click

    Hi, i want to start recording to a click now, but the cubase click is absolutely not good. Do you have some recommendations, what sound i can use for the click? I am playing mostly heavy guitars to it. Thanks!
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    Chimaira tom samples

    hi, can anyone tell me how to integrate these into Drumkit from Hell Superior? would be awesome. thanks
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    Guides or Tips from Andy Sneap

    thanks for welcoming me, this noise101 link is awesome thanks!
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    Guides or Tips from Andy Sneap

    Hi, can you tell me where i can find some tips or tutorials from andy sneap on production/mixing? I am a big fan of his work, and want to learn as much as possible. Can you tell me some stuff? thanks