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    New album update? Anyone?

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    Does anyone use them on drums anymore? I am going after a more retro drum sound (early 80's feel) I have a well played/recorded drum track, should I use gates on everything or should I just automate out the junk?
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    John Petrucci Mesa Mark Five: 25

    Cool sounding amp. Of course he could play through a pig nose and make it sound awesome.
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    Fans everywhere

    I thought it was pretty neat and wanted to share with the band the reach of their music. I am constantly reminded of why I rarely come here anymore. On the interenet everyone is a comedian, it get's old dude.
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    Fans everywhere

    Seen a recording studio ad on Craigslist Rochester NY and decided to check their link out. Check out the guy's shirt.
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    Band logo design

    Sorry I asked, Never mind.
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    Band logo design

    Does anyone know where to get a custom one done? Has to be professional! Not some kid with default photoshop fonts. Thanks!
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    Queensryche "Redemption"

    I like it, the singer is awesome.
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    Attack Attack has a new vocalist

    Glad I never had to grow up with this effeminate shit.
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    Elementary school shooting

    I would love to see you face to face with this same kid as you pissed your pants. Big talk from someone who will probably never be in that situation.
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    Elementary school shooting

    So what do you suggest we do, arrest people before they commit a crime based on the fact we might think he's a danger? Do you not the think his mother protected him because of his problem? Maybe in your world you would prefer the government take care of our kids now. And to say you hope I...
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    Elementary school shooting

    Look, having the guns secured is the owners responsibility you will get no argument from me about that. I am pretty sure the mother wouldn't disagree with you either, considering she's just as dead as those kids.
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    Elementary school shooting

    It's easy here to get guns. You can go to any inner city in America and have one in minutes. Gun laws will never stop that because it doesn't stop it now. Crazy people are crazy, there is no defense against that. His mother had guns because maybe she felt she needed them? I don't know why she...
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    Elementary school shooting

    We do not know the mental disorder of this kid. It's being reported he was slightly autistic, that's hardly cause for alarm. I could point out plenty of kids that seem much more dangerous than this one that would never kill people. It's unfortunate, but gun laws would have done nothing to...
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    Elementary school shooting

    The mother of the shooter purchased and owned the guns legally. She went through a background check before being approved for a gun permit. The shooter had no criminal record and they were not his guns. How do gun laws prevent this from happening?
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    Bogner Uberschall through Ubercab = Brutal?

    Quad tracked?
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    ATTN: tobin1, please send me my Redeye or my $150

    This thread is nearly a year old, why the fuck would you bump it?
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    Frozen Sun Audio - Fredman IRs

    I think the sample sounds pretty good, I may have to get these.
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    My hopes for the fourth album (or even the remake)...

    I would love them to cover a Queensryche song.
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    Some ebay crap... advice needed

    Was it a paypal transaction? Check the date! All claims must be filed within 45 days of the transaction or the claim will be denied EBAY Policy 60 days for feedback, 45 from payment for filing disputes. buyers...