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  1. PiratePete

    Happy Newyear guys

    inExordium, the musical :rock:
  2. PiratePete

    inExordium on Triple J (Aus radio)

    Scourge of Democracy was played last night on the Triple J show Full Metal Racket! If you are a listener, head over to the shows guestbook and let Mr Haug know you want some more :rock:
  3. PiratePete

    About the Lyrics

    One third of the trees, on third of the people.... Time to start worrying!
  4. PiratePete

    Gaming Thread

    *HEADSHOT* I loved UT :)
  5. PiratePete

    About the Lyrics

    A clue about Imminent Particle Collision (truth is always stranger than fiction!)
  6. PiratePete

    Hi from inExordium

    Hi Dave :) We finally finished our album (some songs up on myspace). When are you next down to Melbourne? There has to be at least one good reason to bring Lycanthia down here....
  7. PiratePete

    Introduce yourself here

    Hi, I've been a Lycanthia fan for a few years ever since my band first played with them (Fearscape)... Now I'm in Melbourne, new city, new band (inExordium - we have just started our forum here) and far far fewer Lycanthia gigs :(
  8. PiratePete

    Gaming Thread

    So what are people playing these days? I'm going old school playing Diablo2 (with a mod called - Median its all sorts of awesomeness... What else are you supposed to do while you wait for Diablo 3?) And when the "pressure" of actually having to work gets too much, Andrew and I kick back...
  9. PiratePete

    inExordium Pre-orders

    We sold out of the signed and numbered copies today... There has been a great response to the pre-orders :) Thanks to everyone who bought even before there was much music to sample.
  10. PiratePete

    Ultimate Metal would like to welcome inExordium!

    Thanks for stopping by guys... Even better to be hanging out in the studio - I hope you're recording when I manage to make my way to Belgium Matt :P
  11. PiratePete

    Album Reviews

    Tell us what you think... We might even use quotes from reviews in advertising or band promo material.
  12. PiratePete

    inExordium Pre-orders

    The signed and numbered copies have sold out! Of course, all pre-orders get a bonus download link to grab the album in high quality MP3 or AAC format emailed to them when they buy from the inExordium site... So you can still get your metal fix right away while we wait for the CDs to get back...
  13. PiratePete

    Ultimate Metal would like to welcome inExordium!

    Thanks for getting this up and running so quick, we are pumped to be here.