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  1. nat0

    Dead End Kings

    this.. started off ok but after a while i kinda got over it
  2. nat0

    Dead End Kings

    can you please shut the fuck up i stopped reading your posts on page 2
  3. nat0

    Dead End Kings

    lets hope we can listen to it before the apocalypse.
  4. nat0

  5. nat0

    jonas vocals..

    lol you srsly cannot notice the sorta gritty edge that jonas puts on his vox in the first vid? anders sounds great in recordings and ye in the consternation live dvd too he is aight, but you have to rememeber that dvd has been edited in the studio.
  6. nat0

    jonas vocals..

    just listen to this: how awesome is the harsh but clean vocals compared to normal? and jonas hits just about every note perfectly. also from a similiar time, about a year before, again jonas has almost perfect pitch: just wondering cause sometimes jonas sings perfectly and other times...
  7. nat0

    Music 2012

    storm corrosion!
  8. nat0

    the recordings begin

    from: It’s been a busy time lately and the hard work has finally paid off. We have now thirteen songs in the bag and hey, that means the recording of our new album can and shall begin. We’re starting with the drums on Monday and we’ll be once...
  9. nat0

    Etherium - I need some goddamn feedback

    save up some money and get a decent recording its not bad at all, keep at it :) also work on pronunciation, i hate it when people sing in english but i have no idea what they saying? nevermind though, good stuff
  10. nat0

    New Album

    i also hope they go back to more simple rock structure: drum/bass/guitar/vox NITND was amazing but great cold was better and their best imo also they are getting old now? anders and jonas like mid 30's right? one day they will have to call it quits and i think this might be their last :(
  11. nat0

    What if Jonas re-recorded the vocals Discouraged Ones?

    wtf this will never happen omg we srsly need to get a life and yeah .. the album is fine the way it is :P
  12. nat0

    Jobs, the world economy, and University

    According to this guy the dark really will rise: So maybe you shouldn't worry about money so much! But in saying that I know it's hard just to survive for a lot of people, I'm lucky being in Australia.. Starting out at Uni this month, the Government pretty much pays for all of it.. but I have...
  13. nat0

    Last Fair Day Gone Night Tour 2011

    it would be cool if mattias and fred came back just for this
  14. nat0

    Awia found you some sexy black metal

    i liked it...
  15. nat0

    What do you think Katatonia will do with their next album?

    jonas did say in an interview that nephilim was sort of written as a tribute to their doom roots.
  16. nat0

    bands like katatonia.. but with female singers?

    tbh I dont think much of the gathering or octavia speratti and for selena and sin just sound kinda fake.. the best bands I have found out of this thread in order of preference: As Divine Grace Bowery Electric Trees of Eternity Amesoeurs Autumn As Divine Grace really is the only one that I...
  17. nat0

    Sailors With Wax Wings featuring Jonas?

    i can see how this could have come about... it really does create that sort of mystery about the music... everything is very sterile these days... you google a band, you get millions of results, you can know everything about them in half an hour, bands have lost that sort of romantic character...
  18. nat0

    What do you think Katatonia will do with their next album?

    i really don't mind who writes the music, jonas and anders are both awesome. i wonder if they will try and add some more classical instruments or folk instruments into the mix on the next album. listen to one year from now from the viva emptiness album to see where im coming from. i guess theres...