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  1. Jerry Jabber

    M.O.D. is back

    Glad to hear it!
  2. Jerry Jabber

    M.O.D. is over with...again

    I was looking forward to hearing some new stuff from the band and seeing them in concert again. Is Billy done with music all together now?
  3. Jerry Jabber

    M.O.D. is over with...again I don't get it? Did the new guys in M.O.D. piss off Billy? Anyone have the scoop on what happened?
  4. Jerry Jabber

    New M.O.D. album

    That's awesome news!!! I'm looking forward to the new MOD album!
  5. Jerry Jabber

    Billy update

    Thanks a lot!! :worship:
  6. Jerry Jabber

    Billy update

    Any news on M.O.D. shows? Since Billy's website is no longer in existence, where do we go to find out info in United Forces & M.O.D.? Thanks!
  7. Jerry Jabber

    Billy update

    To borrow a line from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin "OH...HELL...YEAH!" :kickass:
  8. Jerry Jabber


    WTF are you talking about?! All I mentioned was about our country being over $16 trillion debt, that's it! I'm an Army vet that proudly served our country. If you had previously read my responses to Hawngs sister/cousin/girlfriend/wife (Sue NC), You would know that I was completely against the...
  9. Jerry Jabber

    Billy update

    That's very cool the Mastery record is finally being released, but what happened that Billy is not in the band? Is M.O.D. officially back?
  10. Jerry Jabber


    Good points Johnnie. $16 trillion plus and counting, it's not looking good.
  11. Jerry Jabber


    Still talking shit, you little whiny bitch! You've already proven that you're just a dick with no balls! You need to be bitch slapped big time. I bet you're the type that said you didn't want to join the military because you didn't want people telling you what to do, and didn't want to be yelled...
  12. Jerry Jabber

    4 Americans killed in Libya

    :kickass::notworthy:rock::worship: Thank you!!! Hey Suzie Q, I was wondering, are black people still measuring your parents drapes, or did they come in and take them already?
  13. Jerry Jabber

    Did Romney shoot himself in the foot with the 47% comment

    What Romney doesn't seem to understand when he cherry picks that 47%# is that it is made up of retirees, people with student loans, G.I. loan recipients , the disabled and a thousand other worthy programs. He simply lumped everyone that gets Gov. help into takers, like they are all welfare...
  14. Jerry Jabber

    Did Romney shoot himself in the foot with the 47% comment While there is some truth to what Romney is saying, that people need to be responsible, take care of themselves, compared to those that do nothing (not paying income taxes, etc...) and expect the government to take care of them, not everyone...
  15. Jerry Jabber

    4 Americans killed in Libya Didn't we just help these people out, and now, because some asshole makes an anti-muslim film, that gives them the right to attack & kill innocent people? Bunch of fucking...
  16. Jerry Jabber

    O/T Football is back

    Sorry about your Bills yesterday, I'm sure you're pissed!! Don't feel bad, my Browns had Mike "Pitbull" Vick & the Eagles taken care of, then blew it! Weeden sucked balls like Hawng big time! Another long season...Holmgren needs to go!
  17. Jerry Jabber

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Wow, just copied what I said...that's all you could come up with?! You're such a pussy!!
  18. Jerry Jabber

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Hey bitch boy, this is for you: All in all, you're just a...ANOTHER DICK WITH NO BALLS!!!
  19. Jerry Jabber

    na na hey hey goodbye

    Sorry douchebag, this is what was supposed to post: That's definitely you!!
  20. Jerry Jabber

    LOG Randy Blythe in Czech jail

    Anyway you look at it, it's a fucked up situation.