Search results

  1. Ator

    Winter Rose (Labrie's pre Dream Theater band)

    I love "i'll never fall in love again"
  2. Ator

    Recommend me some power metal

    dragonland-astronomy tad morose-matters of the dark I'd never heard Fairyland before-now listening to master of the waves...holy shit.
  3. Ator

    I want to write music, yet I don't know any notes...suggestions?

    I wouldn't consider classical music a good influence if your just learning to play/write music. It's harmonic richness and emotional tempestuousness really doesn't translate well to most heavy metal, or any other form of popular music."neoclasscial" metal usually just employs the melodic...
  4. Ator

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    thanks for the input. They actually do start on the same note. I heard both parts i my head and then worked on figuring them out on the guitar. The lead was easier and came first. To figure out the rhythm I started with the first not of the lead an octave lower for the chug, then the top part...
  5. Ator

    Beautiful Music

    I accidentally stumbled on Andy McKee some time last year just randomly searching for beautiful acoustic work. I also discovered this song by GP hall, not as technical as the candyrat guys, but beautiful none the less
  6. Ator

    Post your music here if you want people to comment on it

    this is a riff I wrote recently in the style of Behemoth I was specifically hoping to get some feedback on the counterpoint playing/timing/tone a little sloppy, but you should get the idea riff played four times, then each part separated...
  7. Ator

    I want to write music, yet I don't know any notes...suggestions?

    yeah. i don't think WAIF was suggesting that you need dedicate tons of time to mastering an instrument, simply that having hands on experience with the rudimentary info that BMWG outlined would be of great help. If its not financially an option at this time, then so be it, but I would keep it in...
  8. Ator

    Chris, i need you to keep it real, bro.

    here's a site with creatine facts though I'm not an expert, I've always been a little dubious about supplementing with creatine. If you eat a diet with a good amount of meat, then your body shouldn't need extra creatine, and it has...
  9. Ator

    Review of "Court Is Now In Session" now posted

    I just saw your DVD today-great performance! I'll definitely be watching you guys in the future.
  10. Ator

    neo-clasical guitar players

    what about luca turilli?
  11. Ator

    What's your motivation music?

    Amon Amarth is a great energy booster for me I never listen to music while working out
  12. Ator

    Writing Clean Parts

    yeah, it really depends. To suggest bass and drums are always necessary to make a clean bit interesting definitely isn't true, it just depends on the part. if you are just arpeggiating a couple of chords than it usaully is necessary for example check out quo vadis' myspace, where they should...
  13. Ator

    Writing Clean Parts

    I think people have trouble with "clean parts" because once they're working within the confines of a specific chord or group of chords, they just arpeggiate that chord in a more or less straight forward ascending or descending pattern, which will pretty much always sound simple and boring. I...
  14. Ator

    epic death metal

    totally! I've actually been listening to a bunch of Augury lately-I think they're coming out with a new album soon still listening to stuff, but there's been a lot of cool recs and a lot of cool stuff I didn't expect. I'm actually somewhat familiar with Bolt Thrower- I used to play tons of...
  15. Ator


    just found this
  16. Ator

    epic death metal

    thanks for the recs so far I was intentionally vague with "epic" because I want some new sounds-stuff like Nile, Amon Amarth, Vital Remains are all epic in very different ways. So far, I'm really digging Mithras.
  17. Ator

    epic death metal

    I'm looking for any death metal that's epic. It doesn't have to be strictly death metal, just extreme(but I'm not looking for symphonic BM)
  18. Ator

    Recommend A Solo Guitarist To Study!

    santiago dobles
  19. Ator

    A couple songwriting questions

    I think a lot of people suffer form perfectionism I saw an interview with Gojira lately where one of the dudes gave this advice, which really resonated with me. Basically, if something you wrote sounds good to you the first time you play it, don't second guess yourself-there was something about...
  20. Ator

    Tech Death Metal

    I've been listening to a lot of Augury-check out "concealed" Also, I've got to rec Quo Vadis (If you have trouble finding their stuff, check out Galy records)