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  1. K

    Best distros to find folk/pagan/viking metal

    Looks like Hells Headbangers has a bunch of stuff too...
  2. K

    Best distros to find folk/pagan/viking metal

    Here is one. Auka Seniems Dievams CD Metal Haven in Chicago should have them... You can call them and order or send them an email to confirm stock and then pay via paypal. Red Stream sometimes has...
  3. K

    Nemtheanga speaks...

    Actually, all my money comes from keeping the Primordial website updated. I make a mint off that! :rock:
  4. K

    Happy Birthday Kupshi ...

    Thanks everyone. My birthday weekend was spent in Oberhausen, Germany at the Ultima Ratio Fest. The Fest was on the 3rd, but I stayed there on the 4th too. Fest was good, saw a bunch of bands including Moonsorrow, Korpiklaani, Skyforger, Eluveitie, Heidevolk, Minas Morgul, Wolfchant...
  5. K

    Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

    Just heard from Alan. They have not been contacted by the Ragnarok organizers at all about playing. So if anyone really wants to see them you should email the organizers and plead your cases. Might work, might not.
  6. K

    Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

    The Arnhem Metal Meeting is one of the best Festivals I have ever been to. I have been to the last 3 and will be at this one too. Very well organized, a great variety of bands, a great indoor venue, lots of vendors and lots of friends. I highly recommend going to this Fest. When they first...
  7. K

    Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

    He has not told me about anything past January 08. I'll shoot him a message and see if they have been in contact with the Ragnarok people at all.
  8. K

    Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

    I am thinking about it. I get back from 2 months in Thailand on the 15th of March and so hopefully I will still have enough cash left over for a flight to Germany. Looks like a flight for me would be about $700. I am also going to the Arnhem Metal Meeting on Dec 1 in The Netherlands and...
  9. K

    Metal Campers just goto Ragnarok

    Closest airport would be Frankfurt or Munich. It is about 3 hours by train from Frankfurt or Munich to Lichtenfels. I just find Frankfurt to be a better choice than Munich when flying to Germany. It is a good Fest. I was there in 2006 for one of the days. I was working the...
  10. K

    New PRIMORDIAL song on their myspace

    Calm down John, if you read farther in the thread you'd see that I already set him straight. No big deal.
  11. K

    New PRIMORDIAL song on their myspace

    Actually I paid for all their flights and hotel and food/drink. But they did play the show for free, meaning no performance fee. Looking forward to seeing them again at the Arnhem Metal Meeting on Dec 1! Been too long to not see Primordial live.
  12. K

    Heathen Crusade 3 Status Update

    September 11, 2007 May as well jump right and say it....We are sorry to say that there will not be a Heathen Crusade 3 Festival (HC3) in January 2008. As some of you know we have been trying to secure some additional sponsors/investors to make the HC3 a reality. Unfortunately to date we have...
  13. K

    Heathen Crusade III... what's the latest?

    And so I guess I should say that if any of you want to be a sponsor for a HC3, please contact us. info at Thanks!
  14. K

    Heathen Crusade III... what's the latest?

    Yeah, we are trying so maybe something will work out. Even after using so much of my money to do the 2 fests I do not regret it one bit. They were great fests and I had the time of my life. Tickets for last year were: Friday: $20 in advance / $25 at the door Saturday: $35 in advance /...
  15. K

    Heathen Crusade III... what's the latest?

    Hi everyone. Just thought I would chime in here real quick and give a quick update. We are in the process of figuring out if we can do another Heathen Crusade. Yes, I lost a lot of money on the first 2 fests. More on the second one than the first one. For the first two Fests the buck...
  16. K

    FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! (Heathen Crusade II social/quotes/picture thread)

    Thanks everyone for all the great reviews! Please keep them coming. I am going to work on putting together a page on the official site with links to various reviews and photos.
  17. K

    FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! FRANK! (Heathen Crusade II social/quotes/picture thread)

    Milk. About 10 minutes before they go onstage he comes up to me asking for some milk. He had gotten a little sick on the flight there and his voice was bothering him and said milk will help it. The bar did not have any milk so I had my runner go get him a quart of milk from the 7-11 a few...
  18. K

    Heathen Crusade

    Thanks for all the kind words about the Fest and the band performances! It truly was a memorable weekend! I think I will write my own review this week and post it too. I also took a bunch of photos and will hopefully get around to posting them on the fest site before the end of this month...
  19. K

    VREID's "Hengebjørki" is totally fantastic!!!1

    The End Records has both in stock. Buy them.
  20. K

    RUDRA - Brahmavidya: Primordial I

    They are bringing copies of the re-released self-titled CD and their newest one, Brahmavidya: Primordial I. The other two CDs, The Aryan Crusade and Kurukshetra, are out of print and they do not have any.