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  1. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    MF is one of my favorite bands ever but I just can't go see a band live that doesn't cover their whole catalog. I actually prefer a lot of their reunion-era songs. I saw Kreator many years ago and it was OK. Never seen a guitarist look so bored on stage as their lead guitarist. I also...
  2. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    My band opened up for RAVEN last week and it was pretty amazing. The Raven guys were really nice and put on a great show.
  3. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I totally agree that the new Megadeth reissues are far inferior to the original, especially with those terrible vocals that Dave re-recorded for Rust in Peace! The big exception here is that the cleaned-up first reissue of KIMB sounds AMAZING and is the definitive version.
  4. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I don't know who he is. All that it takes these days to be an online "critic"/"music journalist" is free time. I assume people are just happy that the album is out and loved the band from back in the day. I seriously doubt the release will age well once fanboys sober up. It's by far the...
  5. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    The Graveyard is my favorite KD album. How's that for an unpopular opinion?
  6. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    DAVID ELLEFSON And JEFF YOUNG Are Preparing To Record First KINGS OF THRASH Original Song - BLABBERMOUTH.NET influenced by Tool and Soundgarden Doesn't sound like Jeff Young really wants them to be the "Kings of Thrash", or has the capability to make music that lives up to that name
  7. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    Soto was the singer for Yngwie and a fill-in singer for Journey for a while.
  8. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I really like this: Watch: Ex-MEGADETH Members ELLEFSON, YOUNG And POLAND Kick Off 'Kings Of Thrash' Tour In San Diego - BLABBERMOUTH.NET
  9. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    This new Toxik album is pure crap. Every bit of it. I used to LOVE this band too. They were a big musical influence on me when I was younger.
  10. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I can see them temporarily dropping those songs except for "Caught in a Mosh", which I suspect has been played at most every show they've done since that album was released.
  11. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I'm more sick of the same old setlist than waiting for bands to release a new album. Let's face it, even if a veteran thrash band releases an amazing new album they'll probably only play 2 songs from it. I'm sick of pretty much all veteran thrash bands' "hits".
  12. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I thought the song about Mars had some cringey lyrics too. I agree that this new one is in the middle of the Megadeth pack with some standout moments. I think "Life in Hell" is a really good song though.
  13. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I think so but I guess we'll see. Big 4 reunion shows are way in the rear view mirror, and that is by their own admission what saved their career before. Now they have to keep themselves going, and they just don't have the tools to do it IMHO.
  14. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    Apparently Kiko and maybe even Dirk did some co-writing on the album. Dave and Shawn Drover worked together years ago on one of the best Megadeth songs ever ("Headcrusher") so I agree with ya.
  15. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I didn't really like it at all although I gave it a couple of spins and own a cheap used copy. I think Kiko's solos are far batter on the new album and he has settled in the band now very well. If you like it, that's cool. I know most Megadeth fans do.
  16. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    I expect the new Megadeth album to be good but not great, and better than the last few albums. Of course, no surprise, it will blow Metallica out of the water. Sounds like Kiko has really stepped up and fits in better now and Dirk and Mustaine's voice sounded a lot better than I expected.
  17. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    From what I heard I think I prefer the previous Hatriot album. Either way, I'm glad they continued on after Dad left.
  18. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    This new Ellefson band will go as far as the previous ones did. Now that Benante is in "Pantera" I predict a lot of fill-in drummers in Anthrax's future and an even more delayed new album since Benante is their main songwriter.
  19. TempleOfBlood

    The what's going on in Thrash thread

    Good, as long as they're on schedule! Reminds me of Joker in TDK talking about how people are OK with any plan even if the plan is horrible.
  20. TempleOfBlood

    Alex's Book

    I read it. It was very informative. There were a lot of things I didn't know about the Bay Area thrash scene in here. His appraisement of Testament is not accurate or fair I think. This was written before he returned to the band.