
  1. usanow

    Album Review: Nocturnus AD - Unicursal

    Nocturnus AD’s Unicursal: A Voyage Through Progressive Death Metal Read more @
  2. usanow

    Album Review: Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey

    Necrophobic’s ‘In The Twilight Grey’ Review: A Dark Descent into Melodic Black Metal Mastery Read more @
  3. usanow

    Album Review: Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive

    Pallbearer’s ‘Mind Burns Alive’: A Sonic Evolution into Emotional Heaviness Read more @
  4. I

    Review (By Palmmute) : Titaan - ITIMA (Black Metal)

    This is a posting for my blog, and this is the original URL, and please visit my blog if you want to see other topics. I don’t know this band, and not just me. Even Encyclopaedia Metallum don’t know where is this band from...
  5. metaltrenches


  6. siebzehnx

    Cellar Darling – The Spell (Album Review)
  7. Sophii

    Terasophe Reviews - #1: Acid Bath - Pagan Terrorism Tactics

    Ahh, I miss reviewing! Many years ago in my adolescence I reviewed a few albums on a Tumblr page I had. Then I realized how terrible that site is and ever since I've stayed away from reviewing. Well that changes today. I will start a series of reviews covering some of my favorite releases, and...
  8. P

    Ticket stub stories

    Thought i'd stick a message up in case anyone is interested in a series of short(ish) youtube videos i've started doing called "Ticket stub stories". Basically over the last 15 years or so I've collected a bunch of ticket stubs which i've pinned to the walls from various gigs I've been to. I...
  9. Flourishing Illusions

    Flourishing Illusions "All Seer" Review Participants!

    Happy head banging day to everyone in the metal community. I would like to ask a favor of anyone willing to participate. Flourishing Illusions, out of Omaha, NE, has released the single All Seer, off our upcoming album, Idle Wandering. If I may ask of you all willing to listen to some new...
  10. johnny ForTiorI

    Overloud TH3

    so i switched to TH3 now for my guitar tones and i´m so amazed by it i had to make a review. i´m kind of surprised that no one really talks about this thing. everything about it is pure gold imo.
  11. T

    Megadeth 'Dystopia' Album Review- 8.9/10- The Metal Voice

  12. N

    Newish North East England Metal - I, The Martyr

    Hey guys! been looking on this forum for years for advice and help and finally decided to sign up! Here's a project of mine. Please leave any constructive criticism in the comments, thank you