As the festive season approaches.....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Well it's almost that time of year once again guys and it certainly seems to come around quicker with each passing year that's for sure.

So who's doing what for Christmas this year? Time in the bosom of the family? Christmas in foreign climes? Hiding under a rock until it's all over? :)

It'll be the usual routine at chez Williams. The other half only gets Christmas Day off before back to work on Boxing Day. I have the regular bank holidays off work but that's about it. As our families live in the wilds of Wales and Devon we won't be able to share the holiday season with them so it's the usual round of present drops ahead of the event. I'll be meeting my folks in Shrewsbury tomorrow before heading over to Derby to wish Rich Smith a Happy Birthday.

As 2015 nears its end and 2016 looms large.......has it been a good year? What's on the horizon for the coming 12 months?
Your situation this year sounds like mine, Steve, although mine isn't due to distance (most my family, immediate and extended, lives locally). My immediate family has dropped off the family gatherings in the last few years but that's due to some... dysfunctional...ness... in the family. For Thanksgiving over here, it was the smallest we've ever had - just me, my brother and my parents. Not even my two sisters were there. Christmas will be similar. We don't make a big deal out of holidays, really... or do much in terms of travel. It's not as sad as it sounds, we're just not festive people and enjoy peace and quiet :) so I'll be treating the holidays like anything else, hehe.

Been a fairly good year all things considered. Started (and eventually lost, unfortunately) a really great job, got back into school and last night I finished my finals so I will have my music education degree soon. Then I will start my next degree. Looking forward to it. Next year I hope to make a musical breakthrough, enroll back in school, get a new place with some friends, and continue to better myself.

Hope there's some musical news on the horizon, 2016 is shaping up to be an eventful year in music so it'd be nice to add the next Eden's Curse to that ;) Hope everyone else has a merry holiday as well. Go into the new year with chins up and a positive outlook, everyone!
Agreed dude......let's head towards 2016 with renewed vigour :)

There are certainly plans afoot on the musical front......more news on that in due course.

I feel like I've disconnected from society to a certain degree over the past couple of years what with being based at home for work and consequently putting in way too many hours. Need to balance the scales of life a little better from here on out lol!
My last day of work this year is 23rd December and go back to work on 4th January. I suspect it'll just be the usual relatively quiet Christmas with family for me and that suits me just fine.

My 2015 has been pretty good if you exclude work from the equation (I really need to get a new job).

I've had a full year now of competing in and sometimes helping running Video Game tournaments (Fighting Games) which I've really enjoyed from both a social aspect and improving my enjoyment and ability at the game I compete in (Super Street Fighter II Turbo for anyone who was wondering).

I haven't been to that many gigs this year but have thoroughly enjoyed all the ones I've been to and it's great to be seeing more Melodic and AOR bands these days, a particular highlight in this regard being the Rockingham music festival at Nottingham Rock City back in October. I've already got loads of gigs lined up to attend next year.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Christmas and New Year!