Cadacross - So Pale is the Light


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Cadacross – So Pale is the Light
Crash Music Inc. – CMU 61139 – March 22nd, 2005
By Jason Jordan


So Pale is the Light is not a new album. No, it’s far from being new actually. Cadacross’s debut was originally released in 2001 on the semi-known Low Frequency Records, which makes what I hold in my hands a reissue of sorts. The band mix an uncountable amount of styles (folk, power, death, et al) on So Pale is the Light, and their artistry is in need of no major improvements.

We’re led into the record with the folk-heavy “At the Heart of Night,” a song title which seems to slightly plagiarize Immortal. No harm done, though. Amazingly, the introduction gravitates towards the low-key side of the spectrum, whereas the other material does not. However, “Twilight” is a musical continuation of its predecessor, but the tempo skyrockets soon after conception. Laakso’s vocals are raspy and perhaps too background-esque, in my opinion. Keyboards occupy the spotlight on several occasions, and the guitar work is as clean as something that’s really clean. The synths on “So Pale is the Light” bring to mind Dimmu Borgir’s Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, though the band often switch between styles and approaches with little to no warning. “Battle of North” retains the grandiose keyboard arrangements that appear earlier. Most songs tend to approach – and breach – the five-minute mark, especially “Turmion Taival,” which dies at a little over eight minutes. Perhaps the term “battle metal” arises as a result of “Dawn Breaks Behind My Eyes” and the intro to “Turmion Taival.”

Presumably, Cadacross didn’t get the exposure they deserved. So Pale is the Light sounds good, nonetheless, and should be heard by people that aren’t terrified of subgenre jumpers. The group unleashed Corona Borealis a year after the aforementioned, and I’m positive it’s worth a look too. But, what’s happened to these guys since then?


Official Cadacross Website
Official Crash Music Inc. Website