Need guitar for Metallica - Battery cover.


Hi, I've been enjoying programming drums/recording bass guitar for the awesome song this is. The reason I did this was because I love the song, and I want to learn how to program drums good with the awesome Megareaper drums that you can download for free for reaper, probably the most tediously sampled drum kit out there.

If anybody knows how to play the song on guitar, and has a great guitar tone, please record over the track and send me the files. Who knows somebody maybe wanna sing too?

This is not a perfectly accurate cover, but almost. Bare with me I'm no guitar player so have forgiveness for the sloppy intro :) The only thing that has been humanized is the velocity of the drums, Maybe I'll apply some humanisation to the beat to more match the nature of Ulrich lol.

with click: with click.wav?dl=0

without click: no click.wav?dl=0

Standard tuning
