Society 1 - The Years Of Spiritual Dissent


Apr 5, 2003
Society 1 - The Years Of Spiritual Dissent
Crash Music - CMU61180 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


When I saw that there were 30 tracks on The Years Of Spiritual Dissent, I crossed my fingers and hoped for some kind of grind, as the implications of the kind of music it may have been frightened me prior to popping it in. The artwork features photos of naked men, more naked men, and although the photo of a man being crucified made me feel a bit better, those feelings were destroyed by yet more naked men... Which led me to believe this would either be black metal or punk. Unfortunately, I have no luck and apparently can't tell a book by it's cover either, as the annoyingly detuned hard rock began to spew like pus through my earphones. One word of advice: repeating the same line over and over about 50 times in a single song does not make the song catchy, and will probably make the listener want to bash their brains out and consider catching an early bus to hell!

The second song, "Sick Things", is the band in a nutshell: horrible songwriting, crappy vocals, and $10 keyboard synths, and that's just about all that is featured in the song, which is generally slow-paced. I can almost imagine the number of people currently listening to this song other than me located around the world... hmmm... An armless man could count the listeners on both hands! Not that a large amount of listeners actually mean anything anymore, but the point is, the music is very horrible. Perhaps Society 1 believe that these kinds of vocals are "cool" and will garner many fans and groupies, I don't know... but it seems very unlikely. The whole situation about naked men photos on the artwork makes a bit more sense now too.

There are spoken-dialogue tracks spread throughout the unbearable 70-minute length taking up about 12 minutes all together. The dialogue consists mainly of retarded poetry, much of which borders around subject matter wherein they attempt to sound less gay... however, spoken dialogue about little virgin girls is about as gay as you can get, and a bit uncomfortable to listen to. Sure, it's good when XXX Maniak talks of such things but that's a whole different story and it's usually followed by some nice, hefty goregrind. If you're a fan of spoken dialogue, (un)catchy radio rock, or naked men, The Years Of Spirutual Dissent is for you...


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Society 1 Website
Official Crash Music Website