summer BBQs


The Godfather
Apr 7, 2007
a fan of them i am
who else is ready to fuck winter and get the heavenly grills lit up with some slabs of meat ?!

Now if only the snow would go away.... can't tell you how depressed I was when I woke up for my saturday morning exam (if that didn't piss me off as it was) to see like 6 inches of show on my car.... IT'S FUNKIN APRIL! WHERE'S MY GLOBAL WARMING!
Already started :p

Had some steaks and chicken on the BBQ last week and some hamburgers this week-end! hehehe :D It was soooo good!!!
We grill year round down here-- ribs, burgers, pork chops, filet mignon, lamb chops, sausages, sea scallops, jumbo prawns, vegetables...pretty much everything...

I loaded up one of my grills and dragged it 500 miles to the DC area about 3 years ago for metal bbq before the two Testament reunited shows at Jaxx...


Charcole is the way to go... such a delicate smokey flavour added to the meat... mmm, talking about all this fire and meat makes me want to pillage a small community and kill all the sons