Recent content by Þorgrímur

  1. Þ


    You Americans shouldn't be too worried about losing in the Olympics. You have the best goalie in the world right now, and a steady core of young players to do the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if you make it all the way to the finals, though it's tough now. Sweden, Russia, Canada and the US are...
  2. Þ


    Just be thankful you're not Canadian. He's on TSN broadcasts of games more often, especially for world championships and such, and god damn you're right he's annoying as hell. He has these players that he loves, and the way he talks about them reminds me only of a little dog humping someone's...
  3. Þ

    folk metal

    Finsterforst Falkenbach Moonsorrow Tyr They're all more scandinavian-folk though
  4. Þ


    Actually I'm a Leaf fan :p
  5. Þ

    Dia Dhuit!

    Thats Gaelic for hello ;) The name is Brian, though the member name is Þorgrímur (anglicized = Thorgrim). I'm 23, based out of the simply enthralling suburbs of Toronto, Canada. I'm recent to metal but I love what I've heard so far. Vader is probably my favorite band, with Amon Amarth...
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    New To Metal

    Cannibal Corpse and Hypocrisy I've just started listening to, but Ill definately look into the others.
  7. Þ


    Feh... all three goals they let in were ugly bounces. They hung in there with one of the best teams in the league though, that has to be a good sign.
  8. Þ

    New To Metal

    New guy here, both in the sense of membership here and being a fan of metal. Right now my favorite band is Vader. I love the fast pace and especially the style of drumming when Doc was their drummer. Can anyone recommend a similar kind of death metal band?