Recent content by 67 Camaro

  1. 6

    a Katatonia fan stole my car

    Sucks about the car and the CDs. My T/A got keyed the other day... not nearely as bad as your situation, but still pretty shitty Just curious.. you said they took the engine and transmission... what kinda car was it?
  2. 6

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Mithotyn - Nidhogg - 02 - In The Forest Of Moonlight
  3. 6

    Glen Benton From Deicide Arrested On Multiple Charges Click any of the links.. Funny though. :D
  4. 6

    Could this be...

    Few quotes from a local car board: It's hard to say what is really going on if you just watch the news, bias, etc. ...but when you hear things from people that are there and no news station to glorify anything over... it just makes a big difference. IMO anyway. *shrug*
  5. 6

    Could this be...

    I agree with all of that, if not all... for sure. I suppose I should not have implied "all"... I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions. Thing is though that most of the people there now are poor ...perhaps not on welfare... but considered to be in poverty. That doesn't make them any less...
  6. 6

    Could this be...

    Welfare has a lot to do with it because of the fact that the people that could get out... did. For the most part the people that were left behind were the ones that did not have anywhere to go because they had no way to do it. The people that are/were in the superdome were the people that had...
  7. 6

    Could this be...

    Way to come back with decent conversation. :)
  8. 6

    Could this be...

    Then they should be making their way out of that situation... not just camping out waiting for someone to save them. ...I would guess 80% of the ones in trouble are on welfare... used to depending on the government to tell them where to go, send them checks to live on, use free or cheap...
  9. 6

    Could this be...

    Good suggestion from people on other messageboards..... fence it off and let them have at it. Darwinism at it's best. I don't think we should risk the good guys being shot by their snipers (to prevent cops from stopping looters? wtf?)... or the helicopters that are being shot at. They...
  10. 6

    People who wear Vehemence T-Shirts pics.

    lol...and for the record... I'd drawn that shirt in the previous post because you guys were sold out of the black logo shirt in this post. Needless to say I bought it as soon as I found out you could. :grin: :kickass: