Recent content by 84n44n

  1. 84n44n

    Absolute Masterpieces of Today

    I'll second that and that and this and I'll throw in Disillusion's Back To Times of Splendor. Best metal album ever, period.
  2. 84n44n

    New 'Shug' track.

    better quality here but still not perfect :( apparently this one is a radio rip.
  3. 84n44n

    New 'Shug' track.

    it's a bit more accessible here: :goggly:
  4. 84n44n

    Dark Suns

    I think Existence is dead sexy :goggly: Never got into Swanlike because of the growls, mainly. The new one promises to be something different again, judging from the short samples you can hear on their website right now. I also read Vurtox from Disillusion is doing guest vocals :rock:
  5. 84n44n

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Oceansize - Sleeping Dogs And Dead Lions
  6. 84n44n

    Soilwork, DT,...

    well, I wasn't planning on going tomorrow anyway, after all.. but you just convinced me I'm not missing anything. No Chainheart Machine :erk: I thought they always played that! and no new songs either? Their new album is coming out in, what, 10 days? besides, STD is something I will never...
  7. 84n44n

    NOW PLAYING thread

    and me! Novembre - Bluecracy
  8. 84n44n

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Soilwork - The Pittsburgh Syndrome bleh, it's better than nothing.
  9. 84n44n

    Your top five vocals...

    1. Jonas Renkse (Katatonia), I'm starting to notice a pattern here :) 2. Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth, Bloodbath) 3. Björn Speed Strid (on Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait, Natural Born Chaos) 4. Guillaume Bideau & Pierrick Valence (on Scarve - Irradiant, Guillaume's vocals on the new Mnemic are...
  10. 84n44n

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Novembre - Cobalt of March the bit where the bass plays a third (i think it's D#) makes me moist in my special places :goggly:
  11. 84n44n

    RIP: the kvlt bunny

    Get it vaccinated against myxomatosis every 6 months. Seriously, it's worth it.
  12. 84n44n

    RIP: the kvlt bunny

    Thanks guys :) please elaborate, sir
  13. 84n44n

    RIP: the kvlt bunny

    someone from K-T made this back in the day :)
  14. 84n44n

    RIP: the kvlt bunny

    We had him put down at the vet today, after he'd been fighting myxomatosis for the past ten days. Thought some people here might want to know. He was 8 years old, which is a nice age I guess. Still, I'm not feeling very well right now. :cry:
  15. 84n44n

    Going to see Katatonia and Swallow the Sun tonight.

    bah. Isn't Europe supposed to get all the good tours :mad: at least I'll see Insomnium and StS... don't care much for Amorphis though.