Recent content by ...A.Destined.Goodbye...

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    katatonia collection

    Viva emptiness Last fair deal gone down Discouraged ones The black sessions Brave yester days Viva emptiness shirt Katatonia wrist bands Katatonia toque tattoo.
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    remaining happy while listening to katatonias music..

    I can definitely be happy while listening to Katatonia's music. The main things that keep me happy are the fact that there's another album coming out that'll have a thousand other things to discover about them, the fact that out of everyone I know I'm the only one that knows about, and enjoys...
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    My Twin chorus question...

    I hear let it go.
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    2007 - the best albums

    Definitely a close tie between Wolves in the throne room - Two Hunters, or Novembre - The blue, both are amazing albums, but I think I prefer Novembre.
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    Introduce yourself here

    I still haven't uploaded pics for anyone, I'll get around to it. It's angel wings around Viva Emptiness script.
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    Bands covering Katatonia?

    because it's interesting to see other bands take on such amazing songs. look at nightmares by the sea, it didn't need touching, Jeff Buckley is a god, but Katatonia made an amazing cover.
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    Ever met a member of Katatonia?

    We traveled for a few hours to Seattle to see them live with moonspell, who unfortunately headlined the show. We got there about 4 hours early, so we decided to park close by, get some food, and then walk around to see if we could meet anyone, my friend Zak who was with me went around the back...
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    your wished katatonia's playlist concert

    When I saw them live they only played two songs I was really big on at the time (Evidence, and Teargas) Way too much from GCD, and no older stuff. :( Still an amazing performance though. Burn the remembrance Sweet nurse Teargas Dispossession Future of speech Evidence Soils song Murder Gateways...
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    Introduce yourself here

    My name's Steven, 19, from Vancouver BC, I've loved Katatonia since I first heard them a few years ago (Complicity was the first song I heard) My favourite album is Viva emptiness, and I have a Viva Emptiness tattoo.
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    vote for your fave song off the album/single

    Dissolving bonds really grew on me. Also displaced, Soils song, and Rusted, but I only picked Dissolving bonds.