Recent content by Absolute_Steel

  1. A

    This is how boring In Flames is

    At Gigantour a few weeks ago, there were some kids rocking out the entire show, but what did they do during In Flames? They fell asleep. Not an exciting band at all!
  2. A

    One question

    Yeah you're right, Opeth isn't mainstream enough for that yet. Direct support to Dream Theater, many successful headlining tours, signed to the bigest metal record label in the WORLD, Headbanger's Ball all the time, hot topic poseurs in their shirts...they aren't mainstream at all.
  3. A

    One question

    It's called Damnation
  4. A

    Just saying Hello!

    33 and posting on the Opeth board? wow...
  5. A

    Heir Apparant - Best So Far?

    This song is really nothing special IMO, it seems like they're going in that whole Between the Buried and Me direction to try to cash off of their recent success (not saying they're more well known than Opeth, just that the big O wants to expand their fanbase). It needs to be crunchier.
  6. A

    Mikael smokes ?

    Smoking makes you sound like a badass when you growl, stop whining.
  7. A

    Mike's growls

    The new growling style sucks in comparison to his old method. He sounds like ass and would be better suited for Job for a Cowboy, not Opeth.