Recent content by AbstraktCannon

  1. AbstraktCannon

    Best Catch 22 Song

    I like 4 of the songs one this album equally but i guess i'll go with Uncontrolled. By the way, v2.0.08 was better.
  2. AbstraktCannon

    Your first Hypocrisy song

    Osculum Obscenum popped my Hypocrisy cherry
  3. AbstraktCannon

    what are ya listenin at?

    Asphyx Hail of Bullets Solitude Aeturnus Candlemass Isole Thunderstorm (Italian Epic Doom Metal band) Memory Garden I've been listening to quite a bit of Epic Doom lately, shit gets my dick hard.
  4. AbstraktCannon

    synchronized hair whirling

    On Megadeth's DVD "That One Night..." Dave, and Glen Drover had a perfect sync.
  5. AbstraktCannon

    $ 400,- for your SCUM demo tape!!

    I'd pay a hel of a lot more than that for a real SCUM demo tape... if i had the money of course.
  6. AbstraktCannon


    My name is Chance, you can call me that or Cannon... or AC i don't really care. I Recently started a Metal exclusive YouTube channel, it's moving along pretty slowly, only 3 subscribers so far. Anyways here are just a few things about me seeing as this is an introductory. My favorite genre...