Recent content by Ace

  1. Ace

    dimmu borgir progenies of the great apocalypse keys

    Does anyone know where I can find the sheet music for this for piano?
  2. Ace

    Brave + Murder

    I need a tab for brave! ugh fucking awesome vid though.
  3. Ace

    Viva Emptiness vs. TGCD

    I love both albums but Viva gets the vote from me. TGCD was the album that got me into Katatonia, but Viva just has more of my favorite songs on it. I think Viva was where the band really starting coming into their own. The great cold distance though was a great written album which I will always...
  4. Ace

    This is my favorite Katatonia song

  5. Ace

    God Damn Jonas

    I am confused on what this thread is about
  6. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

    Something awesome.
  7. Ace

    Music like Last Fair Deal Gone Down?

    I believe he meant like other bands
  8. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

    Nah I haven't been there, another pisshole in az is the chaser in scottsdale. When I played there for my first gig I wondered how a 5 person band would litterally fit on stage.
  9. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

    I still like the clubhouse better though. Bigger stage n more roomy.
  10. Ace

    katatonia - sweet nurse shirt

    I really hope not
  11. Ace

    Star Wars............

    I hate 3d...but I love stae wars so I am pretty damn excited.
  12. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

    That venue was a shit hole. They had no cool lighting for Katatonia, but they did for the local bands, they sounded alright though. It was pretty small though, but I kinda like it cause you where so close to the band. Onthe statement of VIP tickets I think it paid off because in a sea of...
  13. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

  14. Ace

    katatonia - sweet nurse shirt

    That last fair deal shirt is awesome.
  15. Ace

    U.S. TOUR

    Anders handed me a pic I was pretty happy about that. I like meeting them before the show it was rather fun, and I didn't mind the extra money. Also nice meetin ya grumble.