Recent content by aclarson

  1. aclarson

    My First "Real" Mix Attempt

    Thanks for the comments; I got similar ones over at Gearslutz. Toms are the one thing I still feel lost on how to mix properly, truthfully I didn't spend a lot of time on them, I'll have to go back and revisit and play with the comps a little. I have a fair bit of room mic in the drum sound...
  2. aclarson

    My First "Real" Mix Attempt

    Maybe I posted this at the wrong time, anyone have any thoughts? I'd really appreciate any comments or criticism, thanks.
  3. aclarson

    My First "Real" Mix Attempt

    My first attempt at making a decently professional sounding mix. Can't say I'm fully there yet, I already am hearing stuff I could do better (and will), but I thought I'd get it out there and see what people think. I appreciate any comments or criticism, particulary if it's specific production...
  4. aclarson

    Problems reamping

    Use a clean channel on your amp, plug straight in and play a little, get your bearings, and then patch in the reamp and adjust the output until it's about the same. With the clean channel you should be able to hear if there is any undesirable distortion. I keep finding myself putting my TS9 on...
  5. aclarson

    Need suggestion on how to split guitar signal...

    I've recently started reamping so I got a Radial ProDI, and it works great, you can even use it as a reamp in reverse (though I do have the ProRMP as well). I compared my DI tracks from the HI-Z in on my Presonus Digimax FS to the DI tracks from the Radial (through the Digimax pres) and the...
  6. aclarson

    Another doubt about kick replacement

    No offense, but many musicians think their performance is perfect, and many of them are wrong, it's the subtleties that seperate the great studio players from the average ones. I bet one of the reasons many pros use samples so much is because the perfomances don't cut it. If your performance...
  7. aclarson

    What are the basics of guitar recording

    Pretty much, but don't rule anything out. I do use the second position (of five) on my PRS often for crystal clean tones. The bridge can be a little gritty for certain things. If you're always just playing heavy, then usually the bridge is where it's at. Occasionally if I want a nasally...
  8. aclarson

    Improving as a mixer: Drums

    Affording the necessary equipment is, unfortunately, necessary. You can do pretty good things with a relatively modest investment, though. It's a matter of priority and sacrifce. If you want be an engineer, you need gear, plain and simple. I've been in the poor house for a while because of...
  9. aclarson

    Do you guys clone?

    I never clone. I only record myself really, so I'm taking a ridiculous amount of time from one track to the next. Seems like every song I do, I get where I want to quicker by doing some of the things that worked before, but I doubt I could really keep to a mix template, though I do have...
  10. aclarson

    Mix ends up too harsh

    Sounds like your monitoring situation could be more accurate, if you're hearing drastically different results from speaker to speaker, you may have some room issues screwing you up. Keep a few CDs you wanna sound like nearby and A/B them often with your mix to hear how they compare, this...
  11. aclarson

    Using Reference Mixes. (Protools + 003)

    Why not just open a seperate media player (like VLC, which is what I use) and have the level set at 100%? Seems like importing into PT is a big PITA. As long as your mains are on 'out 1/2' it'll work.
  12. aclarson

    Real snare tracks - mic'ing/processing

    Yeah, the OHs have a huge effect on the snare sound, and an untreated room will absolutely cause comb filtering and standing waves, producing the "phasey" and "distant" sound you describe. Build yourself some absorbers/traps! It is really critical to making a iffy space usable, more important...
  13. aclarson

    Writing vocal lines...

    The first thing you should focus on is writing a song, not a METAL song exclusively. When I try too hard to write something to sound a certain way, it comes out sounding forced. Write what feels natural for the part, even if it doesn't sound "metal" enough. When it's all blended with drums...