Recent content by acroclown

  1. acroclown

    WOODS Touring in 2009: Unleashed in the East this May!!!

    Philly and then party at Y-mad and Shannon's House! Woohoo!
  2. acroclown

    Upcoming Woods-W3 Press / Magazines to look for!

    I found a shit ton of copies at Borders and at Barnes and Noble. Not sure where everyone is located but, just call those chain bookstores and of them should have it! Or, maybe I will start selling the copies I got on here...ha ha...I can have Evan autograph them...he he...
  3. acroclown

    Upcoming Woods-W3 Press / Magazines to look for!

    The best thing about the new Metal Maniacs is seeing WoY on the cover ABOVE Cradle of Filth...Congrats guys. Great article!
  4. acroclown


    again, i say, brilliant. when you want to actually have an adult conversation, let me know.
  5. acroclown


    well, that makes one of us. when get your shit straight, post away! in the mean time, try being a little bit more productive than posting ridiculous shit on a MUSIC page. its really easy to post on a site instead of actually having real conversations or doing something that could possibly...
  6. acroclown

    OBAMA!!! are brilliant. and i mean that in the most sarcastic tone of voice you can imagine.
  7. acroclown

    WOODS OF YPRES at 'Noctis II' in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!

    I don't think anyone understands my insanely dry, american, sarcastic humor...ha ha! i wish i was at this show. i really want to see Evan tear it up with you guys. come to Philadelphia!!!! noooooowwwwww!!!!!
  8. acroclown

    WOODS OF YPRES at 'Noctis II' in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!

    Hmmm...400 pairs of testicles? By-the-way, whats the age of consent in Canada?:OMG: