Recent content by AD-Dan

  1. AD-Dan

    Wacken 2010.

    lol Talk about hijacking a thread...
  2. AD-Dan

    CRADLE OF FILTH in Australia May 09!

    I think i deserve that without question for my efforts being "removed" from the show and later kicking a cubicle door into the guitarists back.
  3. AD-Dan


    Dude y'kno how that Oprah bitch has a book of the month or something? mabye you should do the with lesser known metal bands?.......and then paint yourself black, dress like a women and gain a lot of weight.
  4. AD-Dan

    JSR giving you a free trip to WACKEN!

    well they sure as hell know how to fuck up a t-shirt order...
  5. AD-Dan

    R.I.P. Miika Tenkula (Sentenced Lead Guitarist And Songwriter)

    Sentenced - Lower The Flags He's gone, he is dead His remains upon the hearse ahead As silently we wander through the mist He's free This is the end Your journey's over, night descends Below... Into the abyss Farewell, my friend, you will be missed Lower the flags A good man has passed He has...
  6. AD-Dan


    sure as fuck know i am :D
  7. AD-Dan


    Tonight at 9pm, Anno Domini's Iain and Dan will be interviewed exclusively on Beneath the Remains with Metal Matt. The interview will give insight into the bands latest movements, history, upcoming shows and talk about whats in store from Anno Domini for 2009. Also tickets are still on sale for...
  8. AD-Dan

    ANNO DOMINI 09' dates.

    more more more! got quite a bit of new material to unleash upon the masses :rock:
  9. AD-Dan

    What's cranking now?

    Call Waiting Music :rock:
  10. AD-Dan

    Cool/funny/awesome/disturbing pic thread.

    Nah thats just my ex mrs in the moonlight.
  11. AD-Dan

    R.I.P. NAZXUL guitarist Greg Morelli

    tradgic, coming from the music scene and being a rider myself, RIP and condolences to the family.
  12. AD-Dan

    ANNO DOMINI return to Canberra Oct 3rd.

    and coffs harbour figured that out from the word go to put us down the back
  13. AD-Dan


    oath it will.... biatch.
  14. AD-Dan

    Who else is bored at work?

    blocked :(
  15. AD-Dan

    Who else is bored at work?

    Ok so im at this new job, and im fucking bored.... all ive done is made a pentagram outta pins next to my computer... help