Recent content by Adrianne Smith

  1. Adrianne Smith

    Darkwalker... Hey Jojo,

    Hey CrankY, thanks- Hobbs is located 10 miles out of Fresno, opens once a year during Halloween season... I've never been there when it's open, but I heard it's fun. I just finished another score, a movie about a band- will be in store around Feb/March.
  2. Adrianne Smith

    panda dog

    Aah La Laaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Adrianne Smith

    Maidens withdrawl. tour synopsis June 14-20th

    Mark- I'd love to see those photos! And definitely the video too! I am supposed to get RJ's footage and transfer it digitally- I'll be sure to make you a copy and send it to you.
  4. Adrianne Smith

    Iron Maidens to release a CD with original material?

    Hey, Wraithchild- welcome! I like you already- you have a dog. And you like HP Lovecraft. And although I am chicken of horror films, I work productions, casting, and create horror movie soundtracks. We do have an original project in the horizon- hang tight- we're working on it. Please...
  5. Adrianne Smith

    Maidens withdrawl. tour synopsis June 14-20th

    Yeah! Your gear kicked ass, Mark! I was grateful for it. That was definitely one of the better sound I had while out there. Thanks for your support- I know it ain't easy hauling around gear in NYC. You rock!
  6. Adrianne Smith

    So JoJo's birthday was a week ago and...

    Thank you all for the sweet birthday wishes. I should come here more often... The surprise at the show really got me- the giant cookie was good tho. Doodoo-thanks for all the doodoo talk all these years- I guess that's what really good friends are for, right? BTW- nice steaming pics up there (hi...
  7. Adrianne Smith

    Eddie, Maidens land movie deal, Iron Maiden still without mascot!

    Classic, Mr. Toast! This is hilarious.
  8. Adrianne Smith

    New Song at the Lighthouse Cafe Sat Night!!!

    Here's more hint: my favorite maiden album changes every month... :p But there's always these two: "Piece of Mind" and "Somewhere In Time"... I think it will be easier to find out in person which song it is... so see y'all tomorrow!! ;)
  9. Adrianne Smith

    In Cahoots 2/16/03 - The night of the living Cookie Monster!

    Thanks, Toast! We can use some of that on our site!
  10. Adrianne Smith


    CT, great clip!!! It got me laughing so hard!
  11. Adrianne Smith

    Maidens on Video

    He can't wait for that!! I wonder if peeps would be able to guess which video that is! *evil laugh* Snausie, thanks for the sweet review!
  12. Adrianne Smith

    Thanks for another awesome time (2/15-16) Maidens and everyone else!

    Great seeing you again, Toast! Love that li'l bear- you're very crafty I noticed!
  13. Adrianne Smith

    Another Hell Yeah!

    Aren't they?? They're all so sweet too. I wish Bullseye was around the corner! We'd come around and jam each week! he he
  14. Adrianne Smith

    New piece of art in the fan gallery!

    Whoa!!!!! And you said it still needed some tweaking? This is awesome! I am very impressed!:OMG:
  15. Adrianne Smith

    Get Well Soon!

    Thanks for all the get well wishes... Today marks sickday #7- I refuse to stay in bed any longer. This sucks big time. I am so sick of drinking hot tea- so I had some apple juice that McBurrain delivered to me the other day- I drank it cold with ice!