Recent content by Adventure Man

  1. Adventure Man

    Just that new girl

    hey L.E. welcome to the u.m forums! pick up morbid angel covenant, my favorite album in death metal genre. Cheers!
  2. Adventure Man

    Hey Metal Heads!

    thanks lady evil! welcome also! you have a messenger, let's chat sometime. :OMG:
  3. Adventure Man

    Hey Metal Heads!

  4. Adventure Man

    Hey Metal Heads!

    awesome dude. i hope we can become friends and chat it up about the metal scene there, I'm always interested in hearing how our metal brothers are doing in other countries, especially somewhere like India where it looks like it's gonna explode soon. Hopefully, I'll come visit India some day...
  5. Adventure Man

    Hey Metal Heads!

    Hey thanks guys I feel the love here. River I never heard of any of those bands you mention, except metallica, but I'll check them out man. Stormy what is that picture of in your signature, looks cool. Hey Amogh how's the metal scene in India??? Necromancy, great websites! My parents are...
  6. Adventure Man

    OT: Who gets the last word?

    cool, good luck, send me the ssri samples if you get a chance. :kickass:
  7. Adventure Man

    OT: Who gets the last word?

    man I couldn't agree with you more. people will argue about anything in these forums and the fights go absolutely nowhere. They continue mainly because some people don't know when to just let it go. It's the internet, it's a forum, go chill out. I would like to have a study done just to see...
  8. Adventure Man

    Hey Metal Heads!

    Hey guys, I've been a metal fan since birth lol. Nah probably early 80's. Anyhow, I love all kinds of metal, all the genres. I personally feel that the categorization of metal is kinda odd. If it sounds like metal then it's metal to me! I like maiden,metallica, manowar, morbid angel...