Recent content by aerolite

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    Bright Highs for tone in Standard (POD or other)

    Update. Went back and worked a bit more on the chain. Turned out that there was a dry tone that was getting recorded (I told you I was new to recording, ha). I cut that out, bumped up the sample rate to 96k, put a Low Pass filter at 12kHz, and played with the EQ a bit and I've achieved...
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    Bright Highs for tone in Standard (POD or other)

    I double tracked the left/right channels, but the lead was one track. The tone sounds perfectly fine and I don't want it any different when I'm monitoring, but as soon as the recording gets played back it sounds like shit. Should I mess with the buffer size at all? I checked out the Systematic...
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    Bright Highs for tone in Standard (POD or other)

    In what sense? Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but I'm new to recording. I don't really know what "clips" are in the sense of recording. Edit: Do you mean like a recording example? Let me upload something right quick. Edit edit: Part of a quick groove I was working on. I get a great...
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    Bright Highs for tone in Standard (POD or other)

    Thanks Sithu. You're a huge inspiration. I also had another question for anyone willing to answer. I figured I could just use this thread since there's no need to make another. On my POD X3 bean I'm receiving a really shitty tone in recordings [in Reaper] in comparison to what the tone coming...
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    Bright Highs for tone in Standard (POD or other)

    So I just picked up a POD X3 bean and I'm really digging it. :grin: I've got a pretty solid chain right now that sounds really dirty if I'm playing anywhere from G-A# (Noise Gate -> Line 6 Big Bottom -> 96 Brit Celest V30 Off Axis Mic -> Boost + EQ -> Compression ::::: Low bass, High mid...
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    Maxed Waveforms in Reaper?

    So I know you were all dying to hear what the actual problem turned out to be. :Smug: I read over the posts here and thought back to when I got the cable. The product is definitely faulty and inputting way too much gain into my computer, so there wasn't a way to turn it down via recording...
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    Maxed Waveforms in Reaper?

    @k.h.e: Thanks! And the waveform is completely zoomed out, so it's not that. I found out that it was simply because my volume knob on my guitar was on maximum. I found out that if I turn it down I can correct the issue I was having, though at the cost of lost distortion/gain. I'm really new...
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    Maxed Waveforms in Reaper?

    Just started recording. Picked up an Alesis GuitarLinkPlus and Amplitube, and I've been using Reaper to record with the Amplitube VST. Everything started well the first night (still learning how everything works in Reaper though). The first few recordings had "healthy waveforms" that filled...