Recent content by AgentX

  1. AgentX

    Best song you heard in awhile

    Certainly more of the easy listening radio friendly metal but I've been really into these two bands Starset - the whole album concept is great Nothing more - fantastic vocals and song writing
  2. AgentX

    Inexpensive raid setup?

    As a side note, most motherboards these days have the option to enable a raid bios, you can then configure a 2 disc raid 1 array in that at no cost.
  3. AgentX

    Inexpensive raid setup?

    I have been using some software called StableBit DrivePool for a while, its similar to WHS Drive Pooling or a Linux LVM setup. It basically allows you to pool 2 or more drives into a "drive pool", this allows it to appear as a single hard drive on your machine (2 x 2tb will appear as a 4tb...
  4. AgentX

    SC2 HOTS

    Seem that the beta is being rolled out to some lucky people! where is my key blizzard! where!!
  5. AgentX

    Diablo III

    The game gets so hideously boring in inferno, Jan is correct is saying the auction house is the single biggest reason this game is unplayable now. Don't get me wrong, its a fantastic game and the story was gripping but a little bit more thought from blizzard and less rushing could have made it...
  6. AgentX

    SC2 HOTS

    Thought it must be about time to start a discussion about this as its nearing release soon! Blizzard have just released a new battle report (with day9) showing a Protoss vs. Terran match with all the new units in heart of the swarm...
  7. AgentX

    Finger-picking/Acoustic songs to learn?

    The human abstract - Elegiac is a really nice piece to learn () Asturias - Isaac Albeniz is also great but hard as hell to get right ()
  8. AgentX

    What kind of CPU do you guys have?

    Intel 8086, still waiting on my mathematical coprocessor to arrive.
  9. AgentX

    Endangered Languages

    There are a couple of bearded folks in Cornwall who think independence is good but they are usually drunk and can be found in the dark recesses of a fishing pub. I had a lecturer at College who ran as MP for Mebyon Kernow but failed miserably to get any significant votes. More laughably there...
  10. AgentX

    Mobile Phone ROM's FTW

    There was me thinking this would be about Cyanogenmod or something, it should really be "Playing ROMS on Mobile Phone" I tried playing SNES Roms on my phone but playing on a touch screen is to hard, you need buttons! I know there are some cool Bluetooth controllers around for just that.
  11. AgentX

    Recabinet 3.1.1 - now with Speaker Dynamics

    Tried the demo first then upgraded from 2.x! A fantastic deal that works out at around £13! Thanks for your continued work Kazrog!
  12. AgentX

    Subliminal Colors out Now!!!

    Been listening to this on repeat at work for the last couple of days and I must say its the most refreshing and interesting album I have heard in a while! its fantastic! Great work! Out of interest, have you had any formal training in music? the composition seems really high level and...
  13. AgentX

    Nuclear Energy

    I don't know why more work hasn't been done with Liquid Thorium Reactors, they have already been proven to work and seem to be inherently safer then current fission reactors.
  14. AgentX

    how do program?

    +1 for python, its a great language, you will learn a lot by trying to pick it up. imho only problem with learning python as a beginner is your not going to be able to instantly create something cool. I haven't got a massive amount of experience with android development but what about...
  15. AgentX

    Caine's Arcade (a happy tear jerker video)

    that is so awesome! nice find!