Recent content by ahtuks

  1. ahtuks

    RIP Dimebag, 5 years today

    RIP dude may you live in our hearts forever
  2. ahtuks

    Rammstein Live

    that was probably the best show i've have ever seen. holy shit ... all the flamethrowers and fireworks... that was pretty dangerous lol i can imagine if someone stumbles over a cable or something while wearing a flamethrower on a head :heh: the stage was so big and changing all the time with...
  3. ahtuks

    Rammstein Live

    Tomorrow ! ))) Vienna/Stadthalle! payed 90 euros. i never payed that much for a show and i'm a rammstein virgin :lol: after this thread i cant wait even more :rock:
  4. ahtuks

    BETA TESTING - New free VST ampsim!

    holy shit !! this sounds beyond awesome !!! cant wait !!! :kickass::kickass::kickass:
  5. ahtuks

    Some Power Metal From Russia

    now i got it. firefox was fucked up... well. this tone. sounds really strange to me and no good. as i said , really flat and digital, it has no bite, its just making pshh pshh dzz dzz. Throw away that SMB junk. U need a amp with good tube drive/dist build in. No digital outboard crap. There...
  6. ahtuks

    Some Power Metal From Russia

    dude , the file is not playing and i cant download it. do i have to sign up at esnips ?
  7. ahtuks

    Some Power Metal From Russia

    hmm , hard to say. probably we need to hear some samples of the guitar alone. that SMB dist .. i'm not sure about this one. maybe you mic it up wrong ? mic position ? gain staging ? levels? post some samples of the softchain too. then we can say more. ps: i got a killer tone from my fender...
  8. ahtuks

    Some Power Metal From Russia

    well, what is your source ? sounds like its a cheap digital outboard dist or something - really flat and lacking gain. try a Revalver 3 or Amplitube Metal )u can do a lot more wiz zem) yeah or when u really whanna know it , get an 6505 or some decent metal amp) and a sm57 for a start. and...
  9. ahtuks

    Some Power Metal From Russia

    для начала : песня клевая , вокал отличны&#1081...
  10. ahtuks

    Steven Slate Drums Ballad - mix in Reaper

    очень красиво !!:notworthy:rock:
  11. ahtuks

    AXE FX vs Revalver MKII vs 6505 (samples inside)

    my bloody try lol
  12. ahtuks

    Short clip, new solo guitar tone, Rate it!!

    i like it. sounds very pleasant to my ears and great soloing !
  13. ahtuks

    Song in progress, AD, PodX3, Impulses, EWQLSO

    1. this stuff is kickass !!! :rock: just love it , i hope you find a good singer 2. can you please repost the project, its not avaible anymore :waah:
  14. ahtuks

    Favourite song(s) of 2008?

    Amon Amarth - Under The Northern Star :kickass: this one is epic to me
  15. ahtuks

    Definitive Shootout - Revalver vs 6505

    IMHO A is the real deal. B sounds flat and synthetic. even on laptop speakers lol. but whatever, surprise me :lol: