Recent content by Alagondar

  1. Alagondar

    Serenity Painted Death, Moonlapse Vertigo, or Bleak

    bleak.. errrr... no mv.. errrr... no spd nooooooo... all of them :)
  2. Alagondar

    Tour dates...

    The site was updated yesterday.. they r teking an underground tour they said this tour will be like nothing you have ever witnessed before. but they wont come here :cry:
  3. Alagondar

    Tour dates...

    hey atrocity.. i am also from Turkey.. And i asked the dates if they will come istanbul again.. same reasons..same funs :rock:
  4. Alagondar

    Tour dates...

    i couldn't learn where they will go on 2005.. Anyone knows tour dates n places... Why dont they update smt about it in official site.. If anyone knowz pls let us know :erk:
  5. Alagondar

    Opeth Babes in Calgary

    in my country men say "if i would be lucky i would be born as a girl frm my mom" never think ab this fcken chicks :rock: